Day Sixteen

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That bond is incredible. I've seen how it works in people. They just understand each other better, know each other on a deeper level. I've seen that bond in Natasha and James, in Clay and George.

Some of our viewers would claim they see that bond in Zak and I. That we just have this way with each other that nobody quite understands. A lot of people, Zak included, always would ask me how I deal with Skeppy. How I'm not fed up of him, considering how often he annoys me.

The truth is, those trolls don't matter in the long run. Sure they bother me in the heat of the moment, but not for long after the recording ends.

My friends have always said I'm a forgiving person, but that there's just something else there with Zak and I. He just gets away with a little more than everyone else does.

I just can't say no to that cutie muffin...

"Darryl! Darryl oh my god are you actually here? Fucking-"

"LANGUAGE!" I yell, causing George to look away from the sea. Clay turns a little pale, laughing awkwardly at my sudden yelling. "Sorry! Just had to check you were still in there!"

Still in there...

Tears prick at the corners of my eyes, and I hastily wipe them away. Clay winces, noticing the tears before I can hide them. He looks at the sand below us in guilt. "Oh um... I'm sorry..." he mutters to the floor.

George goes to grab some food from the car, leaving Clay and I on the beach in awkward silence.

He takes a deep sigh, pushing his dirty blonde hair out of his eyes. His eyes look similar to my own, the flecks of brown near his iris just a little more prominent than mine.

"Darryl..." he adjusts his position so he's facing more towards me. "I know this is hard for you..." he trails off, carefully contemplating his words.

"Your best friend turns out to also be your crush, and now he's..." he winces, unable to finish the sentence. I nod, unable to meet his gaze.

"He's not in the greatest place right now. But despite that, you're managing to hold up. You have hope, which is something I'm not sure most would."

He glances behind him, face softening as he watches something. I turn around, following his gaze to see he's watching George.

A small smile creeps across his lips, remaining for a few seconds before fading away. "Hell, I don't know what I'd do in your position. Imagining George in Zak's place."

He sighs, scrunching up his eyes and looking away. "Definitely wouldn't be coping as well as you, that's for sure. Stay strong, he'll be ok."

I nod my head, watching the relaxing waves of the near-deserted beach. There isn't generally many people at a beach in January, let alone at night.

"Why are you even here so late?" I ask, clearing the gradually building tension hanging between us. "Nobody comes to a beach this late, nobody. Especially not in January."

A blush creeps across Clay's face, giving me the impression it wasn't his idea. "Well, George loves the beach, and he wanted to come here but we had things to do today. He said it's be prettier at night, so um-"

"You couldn't say no?" A faint smile creeps across my face for the first time in days. The blonde sighs, his blush deepening as he looks out across the water. "I mean, it's George c'mon-"

"No, it's you Clay. George is the only person that could get you to agree to this and you know it." Clay hangs his head, knowing I'm right. "And you're the only muffin who would give in to him."

Black Roses  {Skephalo}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang