Chapter Five: I Get Asked To Sing At The Campfire Sing-A-Long

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"Oh, Chrissy," a gentle voice called. "Time to get up."

I cracked open my eyes and yelped, rolling off my bed with a loud thump.

The playful sound of Daniella dying of laughter echoed off the walls.

"Dani!" I screeched. "When did you get in here?!"

"A couple minutes ago," she smirked.

I groaned and got up, pulling the silver silky covers off me.

"Did someone just fall?" a voice asked. That voice belonged to Niko, who was standing in thethreshold. I raised my hand and glared at Daniella, who was stifling a laugh.

"Ah," he nodded. "I see what happened."

A moment of silence passed by before we all burst into laughter.

"Okay," I gasped. "Get outta here so I can change."

They both left, still snickering. I shook my head and got dressed in a pair of jeans, blue sneakers, and a Camp Half-Blood T-Shirt. I tied the dagger to my belt.

I hadn't noticed it but on the guard, there was a Greek inscription that read

Ασημί αύρα, which I translated to Silver Aura.

I ran out Cabin 8 and sat down at my usual seat. I grabbed a bowl of cereal, orange juice and an apple, which I gave to the gods as a burnt offering.

Afterwards, I saw Niko waiting for me in the training area, gripping his gold sword. I pulled out my dagger, which I willed to become a sword as well. The tip grew and Niko stood amazed.

We waited for the others to come.

Great, I thought. Let's all watch me get beat up.

Daniella stood in the corner, gripping a bow.

"Okay," Niko announced. "So, here's how it's gonna work. im going to show you the disarming technique. Chrissy here, has a better advantage as her dagger can change into a sword."

He raised his sword. A couple kids snickered. He lunged and immediately, I parried the attack. He did the same, so both of us were pressing against our swords to try and keep ech other swords from wacking us.

I used a burst of strength and Niko stumbled back. A collection of hushed gasps came from the crowd around us.

Niko continued attacking and most of the time I just blocked until I slammed the blade ino Niko's hilt and it clattered onto the floor. My sword point was several inches from his chest.

"Um," I whispered. "Sorry."

"Sorry?" he sputtered. "By the gods, Chrissy that was awesome!"

I felt heat rise up to my cheeks. All of us continued training, constantly switching people. Naybe not Niko, he seemed to stick with me. Before I knew it, the sun had set, and all of us headed to dinner.

Niko sat down with his siblings, a bunch of athletic looking people. I sat down alone. Yep, loner alert.

I poked at my potatoes with my fork. I decided I wasnt hungry so I just had lemonade until it was time for the campfire.

I walked over to it, singing a song under my breath.

A voice behind me made me jump. "You have a nie singing voice."

I whired around and standing behind me was an 18 year old boy with olive skin, messy black hair, dark eyes, and a black sword hung at his belt.

"Thanks," I muttered. "I"m Chrissy."

"Nico," he said. "Nico di Angelo."

"Nico the angel." I translated.

"Yep," he shrugged. "You're Italian?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Half. I can't speak it fluently but I can understand it."

"You should sing at the campfire sing-a-long," Nico suggested.

"I--I don't think so," I mumbled. "I don't like attention."

"Oh," he insisted. "Come on!"

Before I could say anything, Nico closed his fingers around my wrist, which I found very uncomfortable, and dragged me to the campfire.

In the center, there was a giant karaoke machine in the center, a couple feet away from the fire. The fire was a normal shade thata fire should be: a mixture of yellow, orange, red and a touch of indigo.

Nico whispered something to Chiron, who nodded. He slammed his hoof against the floor. Everyone's conversations were stopped and they slipped into silence.

"Heroes," he announced. "As you all know, Capture the Flag is in two days. Also, Nico has told me that Christina would like to lead the sing-a-long. Is everyone okay with that?"

Everyone cheered and the fire turned a violent shade of yellow.

I ducked my head down and headed towards the center. Daniella's bright pink hair caught my eye. She smiled and nodded.

I grabbed the microphone and whispered a sing that I wrote.

"Comeback Kid," I muttered.

Suddenly, the song began and I mentally smiled. I did as I was told. I sang. Everyone actually cheered, even Nico and Chiron.

The fire burned a brilliant yellow, the color of excitement. When the song had ended, I was surprisingly tired.

After the campfire, Niko, Daniella, Annabeth, and Nico swarmed me.

"How," Annabeth said. "in the world did you learn to sing like that?"

I shrugged. Nico stared at me, when he suddenly realized what he was doing, he flushed red.

I walked back to my cabin, feeling proud.


Dun, dun, dun! We gots a twue wuv situation here! Anyways, yes, that is actually Chrissy singing. I used her real name, changed a few things about her, like her age and yeah. Leave a comment saying who you think Chrissy should go with, Niko or Nico... kinda confusing.      -Lin

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