Chapter Two: Daniella Drives Me To Camp Half-Blood

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Daniella, Niko and I rushed into my house. My mom was asleep but my dad was outside.

"Mr. Costanza, Chrissy needs to go. Now." Daniella said.

My dad seemed to know what go meant. He nodded and said, "Chrissy, just listen to Daniella. She and Niko will explain everything once you get to Camp."

"But. . ." I started. "Okay, Dad."

"Go, change."

I nodded. I ran up the stairs and threw on a pair of jeans, sneakers, a shirt and a light jacket.

Daniella tossed me the silver dagger, sheathed, and I caught it as I was running down the stairs. There was a leather cord on it and I fastened it to my belt loop.

"Let's go," Niko said.

"You don't have to tell me twice." I muttered.

We all dashed out to Daniella's car. I hopped into the backseat with Niko. My dad sat in the passenger seat and Daniella, obviously, sat in the driver's seat.

Daniella started up the car and began driving. We got up to the woods and there was a large, bulky figure in the middle of the road.

"Watch out!" I screamed.

Daniella hit the brakes too late. We hit the figure and took a sharp turn to the right. The car ended up being flipped onto its roof. I heard glass shattering and I forced my eyes shut.

Pain snapped into the back of my neck. I let out a cry and opened my eyes. I turned and saw Niko. . . upside-down.

"Are you okay? I heard you let out a cry," he asked.

"Yeah," I answered weakly. "I'm fine."

I looked out the window and saw the figure disappear. I turned and saw the exact same figure charging towards us.

My eyes were wide open. "What in hell is that?"

"I have no clue." Daniella muttered.

"Hey," Niko said. "Can we get outta here?"

None of us disagreed.

Niko managed to open his door and got out. He opened mine, slipped his arms under my knees and under my mid-back, and lifted me out. He opened my dad's door and Daniella's door and helped them out.

"Let's go!" Daniella said.

We all followed her. She lead us deep into the woods until we came up to a brightly lit gate that had Greek letters on the top of it. The longer I stared at the letters, the more they switched around until they formed the words Camp Half-Blood.

Daniella charged in, then Niko but my dad didn't. I hesitated before running in. My dad remained outside.

"Dad. . ." I started. "Why aren't you coming in?"

"I can't," he muttered. "I'm not like you!"

"Not like me?" I sputtered.

"Just," he said. "Go!"

"No. . ."

The Minotaur charged towards my dad. Before he even had time to react, the Minotaur grabbed my dad by his neck and began squeezing the life out of him.

I started to run for my dad but Niko pulled me back.

"Let me go!" I cried. "I can't let that thing kill him!"

"I can't let you go out there and and get yourself killed," Niko said. "We have to get you into camp."

I turned towards my dad then back towards Niko. I shook my head. "I have to, Niko. I'm sorry."

I drew my dagger and ran out, just as my dad was beginning to glow gold. He dissolved with a flash of light.

I stood there, stricken with sadness but most of all, anger. The Minotaur looked at me and charged. I ducked under it. He stopped and turned towards me. He charged and swung.  I ended up being smacked into a tree. Pain bloomed on the back of my head.

"Damn it," I cursed.

I looked down at the dagger and caught my own reflection. I looked back up and lunged. The tip of the dagger went straight through the Minotaur's sternum. The minute I pulled the dagger out, I fell to my knees.  Niko rushed over and grabbed me by my arms. The last thing I saw before I blacked out were the faces of Daniella and Niko.

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