𝟎𝟔 .

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Excuse any and all mistakes,
And enjoy.


This day was different. Strangely I was still in this cell. With no explanation or no company. The only thing that kept me sane was the soft tune of ' Before I Let Go ' by Beyoncé .

Honestly, I missed outside more than anything. I didn't exactly remember when I ever went, but those shadows are the least of my worries .

Only thing I'd been given was a notebook, slid through the little window on the door . And a couple pens , which the other ladies I hadn't spoken to would take up around midnight.

Grabbing a black pen next to me and picking up my notebook I collected my thoughts. No matter what, I'm a good writer.

Outside is pure energy and colorless substance. All of the rest happens through the mechanism of our senses. Our eyes see just a small fraction of the light in the world. It is a trick to make a colored world, which does not exist outside of human beings.

Flipping the next page , my mind wandered off to Cairo . How he was doing, where is he? Where am I? Why aren't we together? Why are we together one day and not the next?

Love is the meeting of two souls, fully accepting the dark and the light within eachother. Like YingYang.

But. It feels bittersweet to love him, as though time has already run its ruinous path and everything good is over before it begins . It feels perilous to love him, like a dust storm swallowing up the shy or a comet skimming through the stratosphere. But, it is an honor to love him. Like the snow drifts giving way to springs, I will hold him for as long as I can.

" Fuck this shit. I'm a confused ass , weird ass clown. Don't even know where I am .. " I huffed before closing and sitting the notebook down, placing the pen on top.

I hadn't seen Mrs.Taylors in a while it felt like. In reality, it'd only been a day and she's have to see me for everyone of them. What got me heated is how I get starved , don't even get the know what day it is , what time it is .

Gazing over to the pin with curiosity I smiled . It was crazy how my moods switched . I loved it.

" If I kill my self .. all this would be over . Right Evy? " I'd found a source of entertainment AND a easy way out. I wasn't even in school, look how smart.

A nearby but close enough throat was cleared. Sliding the small window on the door, Mrs.Taylor stood there , crouching down.

" That isn't a good idea , Evyana . Play it smart. Everything will come to you soon. "

It was different . She still held the same melancholy face , looking eye to eye with me , carrying pity with every blink.

Though, she carried on , standing back up. " Keep your pens and paper for today. It's Tuesday , 4:29 pm. You'll be out of solitary soon. And you'll eat in about 30 minutes . Stay smart, and snap out of it Evy . "

sigh. Y'all really gone love this book,
no yap.
It's different, a
plot I haven't seen from the urban side.
If it ever gets taken , or rewritten
By a mf that's trynna be slick,
I'm deleting it.
Cause waste my time and creativity for what? This will be a semi short story though . Thanks for reading! Until then.

𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐄𝐃.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ