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You are running with no end in mind, taking all the back alleys to avoid catching the eyes of people around you. Your stained dress is a disorder to the perfect-looking society. And you are so scared of standing out as disorder is frowned upon by these people after all.

You have no exact idea where you should be running to, or if there is any place you could use as a hiding spot. And before you know it, you find yourself in the forest, your legs growing tired from all the running. You decide to take a rest at a nearby tree and place your hand on the bark to support yourself as you catch your breath. Your mind is spinning with everything that has been going on. And you wonder if you'll be able to get out of it.

Your breath picks up its pace again when suddenly something drops from the tree. The blurry image of the thing catches you off guard, and it takes you a while to comprehend that the supposed object is actually a man. And immediately after you break out of your tired trance, you are able to notice the bare chest that is in front of you.

"We finally meet again," the familiar voice finally registers in your mind, and you take a step back to confirm who you think he is.
Your pupils dilate at the sight in front of you. It's that man from last night. Can't your luck be any worse than this?

You ready yourself to bolt away in a different direction, but the man quickly catches your wrists.

"Don't go," you look at him in disbelief. You don't really have the time to be dealing with this right now. Christensen is probably closing in as this man strengthens his hold of your hand.
"What do you want?" You recall this being the second time you say something to him. You realise this is also the second time that you are doing something that might come off as suspicious in front of this stranger.

On the other hand, hearing the exasperation in your tone, Ace can only smile guiltily. Now that is not fair, you do have something urgent on your side right now, you think to yourself. Yet one sad look from this man is making you hesitate on the spot. This is not good for your current tired state, you can slowly feel the headache coming in.

"You said that you'd tell me your name if I found you. I did, so-" you fail to hear the rest of his sentence, as darkness slowly consumes your vision. Overwhelmed and exhausted, the ground below you is moving, or so that's what you think is happening. The last thing you see is the mysterious man's face painted in fear getting further and your hand weakly outstretched in front of you.

Is this how you are going to die? What a pathetic life you have lived, you echo in your mind with the remaining energy you have.
Oh well, you miss your parents so much. You wonder if you'll ever get to meet them in the heavens if such places do exist... are they this bright? And warm?

Feeling a little rejuvenated from a surge of life energy coursing in your core, you weakly open your eyes. You see...

Red. Like the flames on that day. Strangely, your body doesn't repel them. And in the fire that is tickling your skin, there is the stranger. His hands meeting your outstretched one, gently pulling you in an embrace. This... must be a dream. Or you're actually dead and you are not brought into the heavens, but the fiery pits of hell instead. Hell filled with the blazing red entities that took your parents' lives away. Seeing them with your eyes triggers your long-sealed memories. The ones that used to give you constant nightmares every night. Feeling hyperventilated all of a sudden, you shut your eyes and bury your face in whatever could cover you from the horrid sight of fire.

Your anxious state is clearly not aware of the effect that you have on the man that is currently holding you. He couldn't believe how terrified he was to see you lose consciousness and let your body fall into the cliff behind you. Luckily his Logia power reached and caught you in time. Who are you to give him such fright? And, one moment you were clearly trying to push him away but look at how clingy you are this time, holding and burying your face in his chest like this. He finds the gap cute, even his fire reacts at the touch of you. It is as if you have this effect on the fire, or most likely him. But he is also worried for you as it doesn't escape him the way your body trembles and how distraught you look.

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