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Before you knew it, the whole capital had become invested in the incident involving your mother. You deduced that people might have come to hear about it since your school had been notified about her death, and to have it immediately debunked must have perplexed them. However, it made you wonder how twisted the narrative had become as they passed from one mouth to another. Are they pulling your leg? How did people come to think that your mother was resurrected from death?

Here you had thought people in the capital were more civilised, more educated, more politically undogmatic.

And so why they could have thought of something so preposterous was really beyond you.

You wanted to blame Gillian for having sounded that false alarm. It was really a hassle having to explain to countless people that everything was just a misunderstanding again and again. But you still knew better than to make a massive fuss of something that was really not. There was nothing you could do to change the past anyway.

You sighed dejectedly. It was lunchtime; however, you did not feel like going to the cafeteria to eat—the gossips hadn't died down, and there were just too many people there. You could just stop caring about what your schoolmates might think of the situation. But at the same time, you were not sure you really had the guts to bear listening to whatever they really had to say about your mother.

Your growling stomach was telling you otherwise though. It sounded like it had come from an animal, you embarrassedly thought to yourself as your hand shot to your tummy (as if that could make the sound disappear). Luckily, no one was in the classroom to hear the hideo-


EGreat heh, no

You, feeling mortified, turned your head away after finding that Christensen guy at the entrance of your classroom. The little pun that you had made jokingly in your mental stand-up comedy was not successful in calming yourself down.

A lady has to bounce back from her embarrassing moments, right? Yeah, I think I heard one of those in etiquette lessons. You racked your brain for some reasons not to run right at that very moment. The thought of not wanting to look pathetic probably stemmed from having been around protective figures for your whole life.

At the self-encouraging mental note, you cleared your throat before turning your head back to him.

"Yes? Is there something you need of me?"

And if you had known better, the boy in front of you was very quick to turn into a complete stuttering mess in front of you. But you were too dense to notice that.

"A-ah. I-I could not find you i-in the cafeteria, s-so I th-thought y-you would probably be he-here,"

"I was not-

"IassumeyoumightnothavehadlunchyetsoIboughtyouthese," he quickly cut you and put a paper bag onto your table. The action had surprised you a bit, and you were not sure if you had caught what he said correctly.

One peek at the milk and bread inside the paper bag solved your confusion, even though you were still curious about his motivation. You would usually ponder for a moment before accepting gifts from other people. However, your tummy did not want to give you any chance to do so. So you eventually decided to just accept and thank him for the food, and probably pay him for the amount he had spent on the nourishment.

But if God actually existed, you'd think they had to hate you so much.

"There you are, my dear cousin. I have been looking for you," that sickly sweet voice was oh-so-well-known to you.

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