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"Don't get hurt, kiddo," he chose to say those as his parting words with you as if he knew that Mother Earth was going to rain acid on you after he had left.

You could remember those times since he left like they were yesterday.

And that one day.

That day was the only time you decided to return home earlier, wanting to escape the hubbub surrounding your sick mother and all. The journey was unpleasant, you reminisced, clenching your jaw at the horrible memories of people's stares. You had an inkling that everything had been particularly off. Still, the thought had been brushed off since you were more overwhelmed by the unfounded rumours about your mother that people had been throwing at you.

You were walking to the direction of your manor when suddenly something heavy and hard knocked you to the ground. You almost blacked out from the impact, but with your limited consciousness, you felt a presence approaching and saw a hand outstretched at you.

"I am terribly sorry, my carriage driver must not have seen you there,"

You swore you could hear someone squeal in the distance, bringing the attention of more people towards your accident. You could sense people were slowly crowding the area, the noise making it difficult for you to collect your consciousness. However, once you managed to focus your vision, you began to understand why the bystanders were reacting so.

"You are-,"

It was the Prime Minister.

This kingdom has always been symbolically ruled by the Crown or the royal family. However, the citizens know that the Court, or the capital's legislative system, is in charge of ratifying rules and edicts that the Emperor puts out. The rights it has makes it a powerful authority body that cannot be underestimated. Even, you knew very well that the fact your father was a Duke in the Court gave you a headstart in this social hierarchy game. A game you wish you were never a part of. You grimly thought about it while still painfully trying to recover, totally disregarding how in front of you stood a very influential officer.

"You must be the daughter of Duke Egret. I apologise for the carelessness of my driver," you saw him bow deeply at you.

"Actually, I am about to give your parents a visit to your mansion. I know this does not fully redeem my mistakes, but I would not be able to face them having wounded their daughter. So allow me to make it up by offering my Lady a ride," you heard him continue, offering his hand once again. You only wished to go home and escape this commotion. And so, without hesitation, you weakly took his outstretched hand. He hoisted you up and as if on cue, people in uniforms took your hand from his and led you into the fancy government coach.

You can remember how the softness of the velvet seat cover really caught your sore behind off guard and it made you relax immediately. However, it was not for so long before you tensed up again at the presence of the Prime Minister entering and taking a seat in front of you. Right then and there was when you instantly felt it, that intense feeling of alertness and uneasiness filling you like poison. It started from his gaze on you, his hued orbs raking your form and judging your appearance. Then he moved his one hand to fix his monocle, while his other hand's gloved fingers were drumming at the seat next to him, tapping the same soft material that you were sitting on. To you, he was not showing any inkling of guilt or apology, but here you had thought that he was feeling guilty about having hit you earlier?


And everything afterwards went like a flash. The worried expression of your father as he welcomed the carriage was like a blur to you since he immediately hurried you inside. You were then met with your mother as she hugged you and muttered something along the lines how she had been worried for you since you had skipped school without notice. Her usual silky voice was laced with fear as she dragged you to your room and told you to hide in your wardrobe.

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