Confession Kick

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Birds sing in the early morning air, opening her eyes, Gwen tries to go back into the dream she was having moments ago. It was the same dream she had been having, although this time the mysterious Slytherin had a sort of golden aura round her. Despite wishing she could sleep forever, she gets up and puts on her school robes. The memory of seeing her mother sitting with the other teachers last night wouldn't leave her alone. No one else in the seventh year girls dorm has woken up yet, so Gwen grabs the letter for her dad and decides to run to the owlery so he can get it as soon as possible. Her stomach was aching with hunger, seeing as she never ate dinner last night. As she quietly makes her way down the spiral staircase the morning air is cool and refreshing. The castle is quiet this early, which is a pleasant treat for it so often is filled with students talking and laughing. 

To help distract her, Gwen started daydreaming about what her first day was going to be like. Hardly paying attention to where she was going because she had walked this way so many times, she doesn't hear her name being called behind her. 

"Gwen!" She finally hears. Looking behind she sees Alex quicken his pace once she notices him. 

"Hey Alex. What's up?"

"What are you doing up so early?Also, why did you leave the feast yesterday?" He asks, getting straight to the point. 

"Oh, you noticed that?" She sighs. "Walk with me." They start off. "I'm up early because I have to send this to my dad."

"Okay, so why did you leave?" 

She waits a moment, trying to decide if it's a good idea to tell him. "So, you know the new muggle studies teacher?" Alex nods. "She's my mom. And I had no idea she was a witch because she left my dad and me when I was a couple of years old." She looks at Alex, trying to gage his reaction. 

"Wow, that must have been shocking. Are you okay?"

"I don't know. That's why I'm sending this to my dad. I don't know if he knew she was a witch or not." She shrugs. "And I need to ask Flitwick if I can drop muggle studies." 

"Don't you want to get to know her?" 

"Not really. Why are you up so early?" She asks. 

"I was just laying in bed thinking so I figured I might as well just take a walk." He answers. "I think this is the most we've properly spoken to each other." He notes. Gwen takes a moment to think, he's right. 

"I guess so yeah." She chuckles. They're at the base of the stairs that lead to the owlery now. "What were you up thinking about? If you don't mind me asking. You don't have to answer." 

He takes a deep breath. "I'm gay." He states clearly. He had never said this out loud to anyone before. "Is that something that bothers you?" 

"Not at all. I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to tell me. Does anyone else know?" 

"No. I've been sitting on it for a while and I want people to know but it's just hard because you never know how someone is going to react." He explains while Gwen ties her letter to the leg of one of the school owls. "Thanks for being so cool about it." 

"Of course. If we're on an confession kick right now, I think I might be a lesbian." She admits. 

"Really? Well, we can be closeted together." 

"That reminds me, my friend Georgia made me agree with her that if she asked out this Slytherin guy, that I would ask you out." 

"Seriously?" He chuckles. 

"Unfortunately. So when I eventually have to ask you, say no, I'm begging you." 

"Will do." He laughs. 

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