12. "Its a showmance"

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Jay walked downstairs and faced his brother and dad. "Do I look okay?" he asked. "You look great son? do you actually have a date?" his dad asked. "As a matter of fact I do, I think, she's just a friend, it's confusing" Jay muttered. "It's called a showmance" Ricky called, happy his brother was finally ready. "Yeah like you and Nini? except she won't even look at you the same and up until a couple of days ago she had moved on, but you hadn't so you are going to homecoming with big red" Jay teases. "Oh shut up"

"I still cannot believe you're going to homecoming with my brother" Evie gushes as she finished her hair. She was wearing a pretty red dress which feels just above her knee. It had a shimmery waist band and she wore her hair down and curled. "It's not serious, he's just going because he thinks I have a plan" Gina says, her voice hushed even though ej was downstairs waiting for them. "And do you?" Evie asks. "Vaguely, depends how the night goes" Gina shrugs. "You could leave the school with a boyfriend" Evie smirks, sliding into her shoes and standing up. Gina scoffs. "Yeah right" she rolls her eyes. "You never know, ej moves quick" Evie shrugs, smirking.

Evie and jay walked in behind Ej and Gina. "Don't you just think they are adorable?" she asks. "I mean, he's literally just broken up with Nini" Jay laughs slightly. "Yeah but still" Evie shrugs, in between giving mr Mazzara her name. Evie and Mr Mazzara never saw eye to eye, she was a smart girl but had a tendency to get bored and chat when she was meant to be working. But she gave him a sweet but fake smile as they walked in.

"Photos!" she exclaims cheerfully, watching ej complain as gina forces him to take photos. "Do I have to take photos?" Jay asks. "Of course" she smiles, pulling him over once ej and gina walked away. Unlike Ej, jay smiled, happy to be taking photos. Evie grinned when she saw he was actually smiling. They then went to find where they were sitting.

Evie and jay sat down, Evie noticing Carlos's sad demeanour. "Maybe he's just stuck in traffic?" Ash tries to make him feel better. "We live in salt lake, there hasn't been traffic since the 2002 Winter Olympics" Carlos sighs. "Don't assume seb stood you up, maybe he was just in a farming accident" Evie tries to help. "Not helping" Carlos says, looking around. "Could you get me some punch babe?" Gina asks ej, making evie almost squeal but she didn't so she squeezed jays hand. "Sure....babe? Evie, come with me" Ej stands up, dragging his sister with him.

Once they were a safe distance away, he glared at her. "Why are you here with him? I thought I told you to stay away from him" he hisses. "Ej, I can come to a dance with whoever I want, plus youre here with my best friend and I'm not annoyed" Evie shrugs, picking up two cups of punch. "But-" he starts to argue. "No buts, you do not control me ej. I'm your sister, not your puppet" and she walks off.

"Let's go dance?" Jay asks, sensing the table getting awkward as Ricky moves to where evie was sat but was now stood behind. "Sounds good" she smiles, walking onto the dance floor. "So why did you ask me to take you to homecoming?" he asked as they danced. "Gina didn't want to be awkward, you know with ej, so she wanted me to have a date" Evie shrugged. "So we are a fake couple?" Jay asks. "Not fake, I wouldn't say fake" she smiles. "What would you say?" he was intrigued to see what she thought of their relationship. "Its a showmance, a show couple" she giggles. "Better than fake I guess"

They were just enjoying dancing until something caught her eye. "Drama" she singsonged as she saw gina and ej arguing. Then her heart sank, her best friend and boyfriend weren't going to end up together. Evie then had to keep her laughter in when she saw gina pour a drink over ej. "You look evil you know" jay commented, seeing evie wanting to laugh at her brothers expenses. She then saw gina storm off and was filled with concern. "Go, be with your best friend" he said, and with a smile, she ran after her.

"Gina!" she called. Gina turned around and just looked at her blankly. "Want me to come with you? Are you okay? What did he do?" She questions. Gina shook her head, smiling slightly at the fact she had a friend who cared enough to leave the boy she was dancing with to check on her. "I'm fine, go back and dance with jay, I know you want to" she smiled. "are you sure?" she asked. "Positive" gina nodded. Evie turned around before remembering. "You best ring me and tell me why you just soaked my brother" she grinned. Gina nodded and the two parted ways.

"You're back? Is she okay?" Jay asked once Evie was back in front of him. "Yeah, she said she'll be fine" evie shrugs. "You gonna go check on your brother?" Jay asks. Evie turned around to see him sat by ash. "Nah, he'll be fine without me for a bit" she shrugs. "Oh am I more important than your older brother now, wow I feel special" he laughs. "Well, you are my show-boyfriend" evie grins. They danced together, enjoying their night together. They forgot about everything else, they were together and that's what mattered.

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