Some Unexpected Visitors

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~Flashback (whoosh)~


"Evans. Calm down. I bet there's some sort of explanation for this."

~End Flashback (whoosh)~

When these two voices were heard, everyone who was awake raised downstairs. Most of the kids woke up to, due to the shouts.

"I swear Potter, You'll be the death of me."

"Oh, so now we're back to Potter, are we."

"Yes because you bloody sent us back in time!"

"Guys, I think we have an audience."

"The visitors all turned around to meet the faces of many people they had never seen, and many they had, but barely recognized.

"Moony it's us!" 

"Pads, not the time"

Remus and Sirius' eyes turned very wide at the sight of the new visitors.

"Excuse me? Where exactly are we?"

"Grimmauld Place? Who are you?" Sirius answered

"They're us Sirius." Remus rolled his eyes at his friend.

"Oh look Padfoot, you're old haha."

"Shut it Prongs." S.B. retorted and hit him in the arm. (A/N So to avoid confusion, imma refer to Remus Lupin and Sirius Black from 1978 with they're initials. So the younger Sirius Black will be S.B. and the younger Remus Lupin will be  R.L.)

"Wait where's James. He's gonna want to see this." Lily Luna looked around them and asked. (A/N I'l refer to future James and Lily Potter with their middle names also. So Lily Luna and James Sirius.)

"I'm right here." 

"Not you. More annoying James."

"I think that's hard to top."

"Wow Evans. I'm offended." James faked hurt. A couple of minutes later, Lily Luna came back down, but with a different boy. Actually, they could've been the same boy, copied and pasted. James Sirius had the same untidy hair and mischievous glint in his eyes. He sauntered down the stairs, rubbing his eyes.

"Why'd you have to wake me up Lils. I was perfectly fine in my bed."

"Because these people showed up, stupid." Lily Luna gestured to the people in front of them.

"So who are you guys," Lily asked looking between every single person there.

"I guess we'll have another round of intros then." Teddy rolled his eyes and led everyone into the kitchen. They introduced almost every single child and adult. The only ones left were Harry, James Sirius, Lily Luna, and Albus.

"Uh. I'm Harry Potter. I'm 15 right now and I'm in Gryffindor."

"Who's your mom? 'Cuz obviously James here's your dad," Lily asked gesturing to James beside her.

"You are." 

"Hand 'em over Moony. I WON." S.B. jumped up from his seat and pointed into R.L.'s face. R.L. handed over a coin pouch of good size.

"You bet on us?" James asked putting his hand over his heart.

"Of course we did. What kind of friends do you think we are." S.B. smirked and looked back over to the kids. "So who're you lot?"

"Well, I'm James Sirius Potter. I am 16 and a 6th year. I am obviously in Gryffindor. I play chaser, I'm a prankster extraordinaire and I'm Minnies' favorite student." James Sirius with a bow and a smirk. Lily rolled her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Oh, Merlin, there's another one."

"Tell me about it Ms. Evans." Her head whipped around to meet the eyes of one Minerva Mcgonnagal.

"Minnie!" James and S.B shouted with grins on their face. She just pinched her nose, but you could see the smile she was trying to hide

"Ok keep going," Lily told the next kid.

"Ok, before I start, Don't say anything about my name. Dad had a good reason for it and if you do then Lily with probably hex your face off." Albus started and saw the shocked faces of the Mauraders minus Peter, plus Lily (A/N I decided not to add Peter because I don't like him. Let's just say that he was not present when the whole incident happened.)

"So I'm Albus Severus Potter." Before anyone could say anything about it, Lily Luna sent them all a deadly glare. "I'm 15. I'm a 5th year. My best friends are Scorpius and Rose." He finished quickly.

"Wait, what house are you in?" Lily asked, stopping him.

"Slytherin." He mumbled and walked to sit down. James and S.B. started shouting at this. 

"SHUT IT! Slytherin isn't bad anymore. It's different in the future. Now be quiet or I will make you be quiet." Lily Luna glared at the two boys. They quickly shut up and looked at their feet. "Ok. Hello! My name is Lily Luna Potter and I'm 14. I'm in 4th year and a Gryffindor. I have a lot of friends and my favorite class is either potions or charms." She finished with a smile and sat down as well. Lily smiled at her look alike.

"So what do we do now? There's like a million people here." James Sirius stated looking around the room.

"Where are they all going to sleep?" Arthur Weasley looked around the room also.

"Oh, I can crash on the floor. I'm used to it." S.B. said wit ha slight smirk on his face. It was something that never seemed to go away. Everyone got situated where they would be sleeping and soon they were out like a light

~Timeskip to the next morn~

"JAMES POTTER!" Lily shouted from somewhere upstairs

"I SWEAR IT WASN'T ME!" James Sirius shouted as well



"FIX THIS RIGHT NOW!" You could see a fuming Lily Evans storm across the hall and straight into the room James was sleeping in. Her hair was bright pink. The same pink that Lily Luna's hair was just the day before.

"I didn't do it."

"Oh really?"


"Then why was your wand in the room I was in."

"Oh. Ok fine it was me."

"I swear I will hex you into next year." She had her wand at his nose and was not backing down. A small group of people had gathered in the doorway.

"James did that exact same thing to me yesterday." Lily Luna rolled her eyes and pointed to James Sirius across the room.

"It's funny. Lily said the exact same thing that you did." James Sirius looked between the two girls.

"How do you get it to go away?" Lily asked Lily Luna, pointing to her hair. 

"I don't really know. All I know is that yesterday it was there and then after we played quidditch, and won may I add, it was gone." She answered and smiled sweetly.

"Ok, thanks."

"BREAKFAST!" Mrs. Weasley shouted from downstairs. Both James' immediately jumped up and ran downstairs.

"Idiots" Both Lily's muttered under their breaths.

(A/N Hello children. So things are getting more interesting. Tell me if you like this because I don't know what you guys think. I decided to spice things up a little bit more with some new characters. Surprise. There will probably be another chapter of this out today cuz I don't have anything to do. Ok thank you so much for reading and have a good day.

QOTC: What have you been doing during quarantine to keep yourselves busy. Mostly I've just been doing this. I've also been baking A LOT. I take online dance classes as well, so that's fun.




Peace Out :))

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