Don't mess with me.

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The small brown wolf jumped towards me, but I quickly blocked him with my arm, sending him flying toward a tree. Hearing his spine snap I turned toward my former pack, seeing some of them fight off the three remaining rouges and most of them run to the house. The only person who stayed was my dad. He was taking on three at a time, so I quickly killed two before turning to see one had him by the neck.
I ran to the rouge and jumped on his back, crushing him.
"Dad," I gasped. "Are you , are you okay?!"
"Yea. Yea I'm fine Jade."
Chase and his bitch strutted back outside.
"Jade? That's really you?!"
"Yes. And you!" Losing my temper I slow walked to him. "You left with the rest of you stupid pack!" I grabbed him by the neck, shoving his body into a wall. "You! You left my father to protect himself! Why didn't anyone else fight? Huh? ANWSER!"
"My," he coughed.
"My fighters were tired. You looked like you had it under control.
Trying hard not to lose it again I sighed. "What do you mean fighters?"
"I only allow some men to fight."
"And women?"
"They do not fight."
They all stared at me, but with a quick glance at Chase, who nodded, his "fighters" started to run.
The others started to run too, and soon the only ones still here were my boys, Chase, and Kylie.
"What, you think you're so special that when I say everyone, it doesn't apply to you? GO."
"Hold on! Who do you think you are Rosing us around. I'm your Luna bitch, and what I say goes. And I say, you don't get to order us around. You're just some fat pig who's confidence got boosted over a couple years."
The boys eyes were flickering red. They were pissed. But I told them though the mind link to chill out, I wanted to hear what she had to say.
"You're still the slutty hippo you were when you left, and you always will be. So why don't you take your own advise and go run a few laps."
"You are not my luna, Kylie." She gasped, the most disrespectful thing to do to a Luna was call her by name. Only her family could. "You never will be. I am not in this pack anymore." I shot a glare at Chase. "Never will be. So do what I say, or we leave.
"Fine! Leave! It's not like we even need-"
"No Kylie," Chase said. "We do need them. Come on."
He started running and Kylie followed with a huff, tripping in her high heels.
"Well," Hunter sighed. "Glad we got that out of the way.

That didn't take to long did it?
😂😂 This chapter is dedicated to Ashfully_Crazy for commenting!!!! Thank you!!!! 😁😁😁😁👍👍👍😂
Anyway this was kind if a filler but at least it's longer than the last one!!! It kinda sucks though.... Oh well!

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