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I cant stop thinking about Sal. And how warm he was, his embrace, hell, even his faint breath on my skin.

I look at myself in the mirror making sure I look decent for school. I tie my hair into a ponytail, throw on my book bag and leave my apartment. Only to find Sal waiting at my door.

"Oh-! Hey dude." I waved.

"Hey, do you wanna walk to school with me?"

"Uh yeah sure!" I say, happy that we wants to be around me.

We both just talk and talk, while the others join us walking to school.

We finally arrive and I'm not excited.


The last bell finally goes off and the halls are filled of kids wanting out of the school imminently. I walk out of the classroom and notice a poster on the pin board thingy.



This could be a nice first date. All I need is the courage.

Ah right.

I don't have that.


I hear Sal, behind me. I jump a small bit.

"Oh hi! I was just looking at this poster." I said as I pointed at it. "Do you plan on going?" I asked.

He thought for a moment. "Sure, if someone goes with me."

Oh boy.

Its happening.

"Well... w-would you like to go with me-?"

He's looking at me.

He's gonna say no.

Oh no.

"Sure! I'd love to go with you! So you wanna bring Ashley and Larry aswell?"

"...Y-yeah!...Exactly what I was thinking!"

He smiled and nodded. We both walked down the hallway to the others and Sal told them that we we're planning on going. Ashley gave me a look.

Larry and Ashley accepted to come. Now that I think about it... I want them to be there. I'm way too neverous and I know they'll plan something since they both know I like Sal. And you know I don't necessarily mind.

We all walked home and when I walked in the apartment door i sighed heavily. My dad looked at me.

"Bad day?"

I inhaled.

"No not really.."

He nodded.

"...hey dad? Could I go to the spring Carnival next Saturday?" I asked.

"Is your room clean?" He asked.


"Then, yeah. Just be safe and dont get in any vans."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." I said as I began to walk to my room.

"Bring your swift army knife with you!" My dad yelled at me. I gave him a thumbs up and shit my door.

I threw my book bag to to side and sat on my bed, layed down and-

I feel asleep.

I was suddenly in the hallway. Blood was all over the walls. I wasn't phased by this though.

I can see sal at the end of the hallway, knife in hand. It's quite obvious he murdered someone. He looked older... taller.

My brain told me he didn't have a choice.

I feel through the floor and suddenly I was infront of room 201. I opened the door and I saw a freezer full of human meat.

I feel through the floor again.

Its Charley's old room.

Sal and Larry told me about him

I saw Charley dead on the floor. 'I didn't do it's was written on blood on the wall.'

I turned around and I was in a temple all of the sudden. Todd was on a pentagram on the floor. Cut to shreds. I fell through the floor again.

I'm not even in a room this time.

I can see a woman and her child having a picnic. A little boy I think. He had blue hair-

Wait is that Sal?

Is that his mom?

Sal told me his mom was dead. I felt so bad for him.

I heard barking in the background.

It looks like tiny Sal wants to pet the dog. That's sweet...

The woman picked up her purse and they started walking toward the noise.

A man in a dog mask loomed out of the shadows and-



He shot them...

I fell through the ground again.

No- wait...

Into a white room.

"In this reality all of this misfortune will on happen for any of you."

"This was a reality created so all of you can be happy."

"Like you deserved."

"Go behind the building. Press the button."


"Do you understand Y/N?"


I heard a snap and-


I look around and it's my room- it's only been a few minutes-?

What kind of weird dream-

I heard a knock on my door.

"Oh- uh come in!

Ashley walked through my door.

"Heeeey girlll!"

I waved.

"Spill the tea sis." She said to me.

"What tea-?"

"You tried to ask Sal out right?"

I laughed. "Key word is tried. He saw it was a friend thing.."

She made a ':0' at me, I laughed.

We talked it out the rest of the day and we just hang out, you know, like what friends do.

After she left....

I cant stop thinking about the dream.

Who did that to Sal? Did that actually happen to Sal's face? When will sal murder everyone? Will he kill me? No...did I drink the tea? Is this just a stupid dream?

I'm so fucking confused.


Should I tell anyone?

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