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I opened my eyes, seeing my room. It was very bright as I kept my curtains open. I look over and see sal. He was snuggled in the blankets asleep, his prosthetic was off but his hair covered his face. I'm glad he trusted me, though I've probably only known him for a year  and 4 months but I swear I would put my life on the line for him.

I've been a lot more happier recently. Opening my curtains, wearing brighter colors, I haven't cried in a while and I often find my cheeks hurting because I'm smiling too much. I don't wanna say Sal is the reason why I'm happier but life has been more gental with me ever since.

He makes me want to twirl and dance, not having to worry about my weight or how cringey I look. Every time he laughs I want to jump on the moon. It's like the sky becomes more kind and when it rains it doesn't pour, scream and roar with thunder. Or when the sunsets it's like an artist is painting it.

Wow. Maybe I should Write more often.

Or maybe I sound stupid

I'm not sure about the hole secret admirer thing anymore. God I'd do anything for that confidence to tell him. But that tiny bit of insecurity yanks me back from the courage.

I snap back to reality when I realize I've been staring at my ceiling for 15 minutes. I look over at Sal. I haven't sat up yet. I cant get over that we are in the same bed. His body is right next me. I sometimes wonder what happens in his head when he looks at me, or when he hears my name.

Is he as deep in love as I am?

I so badly wanna hold his hand, or just kiss him even for a moment. I find myself always looking at his prosthetic lips or even his real ones when I see them. I can feel his breath on me, we're so close... I just fully turned to where my hole body faced him, and I may have scooted closer aswell.  I was still kinda tired so I tried going back to sleep. And I drifted off.

I woke up. Again. I look at my surroundings and the sunlight coming  from my window is less bright.

Then i realized.

I am being spooned. Sal is spooning me.

Sal is fucking spooning me. We are so close.

I wait. I'm fully awake now. I can't go back to sleep. I'm too flustered I have to many emotions going on now.

I hear sal muffle. He finally woke up. I think he realized we were practically cuddling. He took his arm back awkwardly. I blushed. I backed away. Not wanting him to be uncomfortable. But...then he pulled me back.

"U-uhmm... good morning?"

He muffled. I giggled.

"Still sleepy?" I said.

He nodded. He was almost using me as a teddy bear.

We finally sat up.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Yeah..." he said.


Not to be that girl but,

His morning voice is so hot.

He layed his head on my shoulder.

"You can go back to sleep if you want.." I say while patting his head. He then nodded and layed back down.

I got up, I looked over and sal was already back asleep. I smiled and thought, maybe I should write him a good morning note.

I carefully took out some note book paper and started writing.

'Good morning sleeping beauty! I hope you slept well! ♡'

I wrote it down and placed it on my bed stand. I walked out into the living room and saw my dad.

"Hey dad." I said and waved.

"Hey," he said and waved back.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked

I looked over at me and raised a brow.

"W-well um.. you know Sal right-? I may have had a crush on him for a while now..." I put my two finger tips together.

"I know." He said.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"I already know. You don't think I see how you look at him?

I blushed And started to stammer.

"I also know he spent the night. Did you sleep in the same bed?"

"I- uh maybe..."

I can't hide anything from my dad. I think he's phycic or something.

He chuckled, And continued watching TV.

Wow that went well...


It's been an hour or so, Sal FINALLY fully woke up. I uh- walked in on him while he was putting his prosthetic back on.

"Hey," I waved

He waved back.

"Sleep well?" I asked.

"Yup." He stood up and walked over to me.
I felt my heart pound harder and harder each step he took towards me.

"Thanks for the note." He smiled.

I want to see that danm smile again.

"Ima head home, Alright?"

"Okie! See you later!"

And with that he left.

I sat on my bed, blushing like a mad man. Why is it so hard to love someone.


I've been using that word a lot lately. I sometimes picture our lives together in the future. Our married life, what our kids would look like, or if we never become lovers... what trouble will we get into. What arguments would we wonder into. I hug myself, wanting his embrace again.

I really hope he feels the same

I Love You  (Sal Fisher x reader)Where stories live. Discover now