Chapter 11

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Annie's POV
I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. I get up and walk over to my closet. I pick out and outfit and put it on. I do my hair and light makeup and walk downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen and see my mom

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I walk into the kitchen and see my mom. "Hey" I say as she puts the food on the plate. "Hey honey so Austin's is in charge tonight I have to go to work a little earlier today. " she say as she picks up her keys. "Ok mom. Bye love you." I say as she walks out.

I walk to school and see Hayden and Bella. I mean yesterday was weird. It was the first we talked well since the whole Case thing and well the kiss. I walk past them and go to my locker. Kenzie and Johnny walk up to me. "Hey guys." I say as I pull out some books. "Are you ok after practice yesterday?" Kenzie says as she looks at me. "Yea I'm fine. I'm great." I sling my bag over my shoulder.

We start walking to class when I get pinned to a locker. "I told you to stay away from Hayden." Bella says as her grip on my arms tighten. I see Hayden behind her. He lifts her up and turns her around. I fall to the ground. I look at my wrists to see them all red. Carson and Johnny help me up.

"What's going on here Bella?" He says as he looks into her eyes. "Oh nothing just girl talk you know." She says as she glares at me. I get up and walk away and to class. Lunch came around pretty quick. I found myself at the table with all my friends when I feel my phone ringing in my pocket.

I look at the caller ID to see it was an unknown number. "I'll be right back. I just need to take this." I get and walk out as I answer it. "Hello?" I say as I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "Is this Annie Leblanc?" The woman on the other end of the call says softly. "This is she" I say as I lean against the lockers. I listen to what the woman had to say. "Where is she now?" I say as a tear slips from my eye. "She is in critical condition. I'm sorry dear. She is the hospital. She received very bad injury in the head from the collision." She says trying to comfort me at the same time. By now my mascara is running down my checks as well as my tears.

"She's going to be ok though. Right. She'll be fine." I say as more tears come from my eyes. "I don't know I'm sorry honey. Do you have some one who could take you here?" I nod as she asks. "Yea I do. I'll be there as soon as possible" I say as she ends the call. I slide down the lockers as I sob to myself. I could feel my heart break in my chest. Tears fall from my eyes as I put my knees up to my chin.

I can't loose her. I just can't. She has to be ok. She has to. I cry harder as I think of the pain she is in. As I try to dry my tears more flow down my face. I get up and walk out of school. I ring Austin and he comes and picks me up. We drive to the hospital in silence. My sobs were the only thing that you could hear. I could see Austin trying to hold himself together for me.

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