Chapter 10

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Annie's POV
As I go to walk away Hayden grabs my arm. "Annie please..." he says as he pulls me closer to him. "I have nothing else to say to you" I say as I try to leave. "Annie please just—" I interrupt him. "What just listen to you. Hayden you have a girlfriend. So what we kissed but your going out with Bella. And then you go and ghost me after what happened with Case. And now you think what we can play friends again. No I'm not listening to you so go away and leave me alone." I say as tears form in my eyes. "Annie I- what did Case even do to you?" He says as he raises and eyebrow.

"You really want to know what he did to me?!?" I say harshly. "YES. I do" he says as he looks at me. "He raped me Hayden. He used me in his gang wars. He used me for money. He abused me. Is that what you wanted to hear. Well there you go. Now leave me alone." I say as tears fall from my eyes. "Annie I-" he gets interrupted. "Babe what you doing with this slut?" Bella says as she hugs Hayden.

"I'm done with this. You two deserve each other." I say as I run off. Carson follows me. "Annie wait" he says as I turn around. "What?" I say harshly. "Are you ok?" He asks. "I'm fine" I say as he pulls me into a hug. Carson feels like a brother to me. "I won't let anyone hurt I promise." He say softly. "Thanks Carson" I say as the rest of the footballers and cheerleaders walk over to us.

"Are you two a thing?" Hayden says. "No we're just good friends. Pity you don't know what that is." I say as I roll my eyes. "Back to practice. NOW" Bella says as we run through the routine.

I mean who does she think she is. She tore me and Hayden apart. She is constantly all over him. I mean she thinks she runs this school. She really doesn't. She just a bitch. And that's just facts. I mean should I give him a second chance. I don't know. I guess just I don't want to get hurt again.

We finally finish practice and I walk inside. I try to open the changing room but it wouldn't open. I feel some one behind me. I spin on my heel to see Hayden. "Need some help?" He asks as he puts his hand on the door. "Y-yeah" I say as he opens the door. "T-thanks...umm I should" I say as I point to the changing room. "Oh right umm yea see you later I guess..." he says as I walk away.

I walk home and run up to my room. As I fall onto my bed I hear door open. "Hey Austin. What's up?" I say as he walks in. "So you know how I was looking for a job?" He says as he sits down. "Yea what about it?" I say raising an eyebrow. "I got one" he says excited. "OMG where?" I ask. "As the new football coach. That means you will have to stay behind after school if I have to. Mom said so" he says. "Ok..." I say as he walks out of the room

Where do I go from this?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن