Chapter 11: Do you accept the terms?

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A few hours later, just after sunset, I stood at the helm minding the wheel as Jack appeared from his cabin. He'd been looking over his charts for a while, finding the best route to avoid Norrington and his men.

"Are we on course jack?" I asked, peering over at him as he came to stand beside me. He seemed to snap out of a daze and almost jolted, reaching for the compass attached to his belt.
He paused for a moment, frowning, quickly shutting it again as I look over, before nodding, "Aye." I gave him a look out the side of my eye, wondering why he was acting so strange, it seemed to be each time he opened the compass he would look sheepish and close it instantly. I figured it was because of Barbossa, the story Mr Gibbs had told me of Jack letting slip the coordinates to Isla de Muerta before they mutinied against him. He was probably just more careful and guarded these days with his crew knowing their location and course.

"Mr Cotton!" Jack shouts making me flinch slightly, "take over from Miss Swann." The man appeared suddenly, his parrot balanced on his shoulder, giving a curt nod, instantly taking over.

Jack touched my waist for a moment, something he had began to use like a signal he'd developed to show me without words that he wanted me to follow him. "Mr Gibbs!" He shouted in mock-outrage, walking into the cabin in front of us, signalling us both to follow him into his cabin. I turned to Mr Gibbs and we gave each other a clueless look with a shrug before walking into the cabin behind Jack, closing the door. I briefly checked that my hair was fixed into place and covering what I'd hoped to conceal from Jack.

"So Mr Gibbs, do you care to explain yourself for the atrocious betrayal you and the crew imparted upon me at Isla de Muerta?" He asked, his tone hardened but it was clear there was at least a little slice of humour behind it.
"Captain," Mr Gibbs started.
"That was my fault Jack" I interjected, seeing Mr Gibbs physically deflate in relief, glad to have the focus and the anger directed elsewhere. Jack's head snapped to me, frowning deeply.
"So you are the Judas Iscariot amongst me crew eh? And to think I was just warming up to you," he snarked. I rolled my eyes, taking a seat in the other chair.

"Saved your life hasn't it? You got your ship back, a full crew and ..." I paused, not sure what else to say, the other option of 'me'  seemed obvious but I couldn't bring myself to say it.

"Pray tell, how you both managed to conspire against me, right before me very own eyes," he looked between us.
"I need a drink," I mumbled.
"A fine plan Miss Swann, Gibbs get us the rum!" Jack shouted, his hands moving flamboyantly. Mr Gibbs rushed out the room and I was left alone with Jack.

"Jack, please don't be angry," I spoke softly. He looked up at me squinting, before the pretence of anger fell off his face completely.

"I'm not angry love, I'm impressed. I always knew you were a pirate, I just didn't realise you were such a fine one," he admitted, his tone was filled with pride and it made my stomach jolt with butterflies.

Mr Gibbs walked back in with three bottles of rum, handing them out to us. We raised the bottles, clinking them in delight before each taking large swigs.
I looked at Mr Gibbs as he stared at me, the bottle slipping away from the seal of his lips allowing a quick spray of rum to dribble from his mouth and onto his tunic, clearly bewildered by my ability to drink such strong liquid without flinching.
"Mother's love," he whispered, before turning to  Jack in surprise. Jack smiled proudly. I blushed again and took another swig, the warmth from the bite of the liquor spreading through me.

We drank, retelling the story from the begging, Jack interjecting now and then to offer his opinion.
"When we got back to the dauntless, I made a bargain with Norrington," I said, having nearly finished the bottle in front of me. Jack nodded, knowing this, his eyes now squinting as if preparing to hear something he didn't like. "I made him an offer he wouldn't refuse." It was subtle, but I noticed Jack tightened his grip on his bottle.
"My hand in marriage for your pardon," I heard him suck in a breathe, so I blurted the rest out quickly.
"I knew he would take it, I told him that if Elizabeth refused his offer he could have me in her place. I knew the navy would have no intention of going back for Will and so Elizabeth would use the only leverage she had left which was to accept his proposal."
I paused for a moment, taking another sip and the two men beside me sat silently waiting for me to continue, something I'd never seen from Jack.
"I knew he'd turn down her offer, because despite my uncle being the governor of Port Royal, my father was much more exceeding in rank back in London, meaning my hand in marriage would fare better for him. He stood by his deal and went to retrieve Will, locking Elizabeth and I in the cabin."
"How did you get to us then lass?" Gibbs piped up only to receive a warning glare from Jack which quickly made him take a swig and lean back in his chair.
"I tied the bedsheet's together, using the knots you'd shown me," I turned to mr Gibbs who looked flushed, "and climbed out the window into the boat we'd left on the port side and rowed out to you."

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