92. Rampage!

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(Every one has continued fighting each other around the Arena. Meliodas is fighting two fighters. One named Botamo and another named Magetta. Meliodas punches them all around there bodies. Magetta blasts lava put of his mouth and Meliodas moves out of the way)

Meliodas: You gutless little bastards!

Botamo: I'm sure if Magetta could hear you right now he'd be terribly insulted!

(The two fighters punch the ground causing some holes in the ground)

Meliodas: Damn these two!

(Smoke was mostly covering the air and Meliodas moves back into it. And Cabba walks out of it, walking towards Meliodas)

Cabba: Sir Meliodas!

Meliodas: Huh?

(Two fighters ambush Cabba, they were about to punch him but Cabba kicks the two off the arena)

Cabba: Unless you bow out now, we'll have no choice but to fight.

(Kefla destroyed a robots arm off)

Kefla: This battle is as good as over, so I'm going to give you a choice. You can either leap from the ring right now or I can force you out.

Eyre: Hm. While it's true he's lost both his arms, that core unit in his torso is what really matters. He can still fire his main cannon.

Robot: Cannon charging complete.

(Kefla teleports in front of the robot and kicks it off the arena)

Kefla: Hmph.

Eyre: What- But that's impossible! (Exhales) How could he be defeated so early in the contest. (Sigh) Looks like he won't get his wish.

(A fighter named Methiop is fighting Kale. Kale blocks his punches and she gets an upper hand punches him in the mouth)

Kale: I got him!

(Methiop grabs kale's hand)

Methiop: And now I've got you!

(Methiop then punches kale in the gut. She walks backwards, holding her stomach. She then steps on a sumo fighters foot and she looks up)

Sumo fighter: That's my toe you're saquashin', lady.

(The sumo fighter grabs her pony tail)

Kale: (Whimper) No! Let me go!

Sumo fighter: (Laughing) Hey check this out partner, we've got ourselves a living punching bag!

Methiop: I hope your ready for this!

(Methiop punches kale's stomach multiple times)

Methiop: Gut punch! Gut punch! Gut punch! Gut! Gut! Gut! Gut! Gut! Gut! Gut! Gut! I love to hear you shreik!

(Methiop gives kale one final punch and she passes out. Then the sump fighter throws her off the edge and caulifla comes flying in and saves her)

Caulifla: I got ya kale, you okay?

Kale: S-Sis? I'm sorry.... I should've been stronger, I failed big sister....

Caulifla: No you didn't. And don't be sorry. Just take a little breather.

(Caulifla looks up and stares at the two fighters)

You made a big mistake messing with her.

Sumo fighter: I bet she's a good crier too.

Caulifla: WHAT?!

Crossover Seven Deadly Sins x Male Saiyan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now