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10 years later

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10 years later.

"My heart is so happy! Our brand new home and our fresh start is a great way to kick off the new year." I said to him excitedly as we watched the movers bring in all our stuff from the moving truck. By Instinct he wrapped his arms around my waist and placed a sweet kiss on my lips causing the widest grin to form on my face.

"Get a room." Amir said as he walked past us holding his box that contained nothing but his PS4 console and his basketball trophies. My only son was now thirteen but going on eighteen, he's in the seventh grade and plays basketball.

When he was born all of his pediatricians told me that he wouldn't grow as fast as a full term baby would, I wish I could go back and show them this child now. He's already 5'10 and STILL has more growing to do.

Other then that, he is a complete mamas boy, always up under me whenever he has the chance but I don't mind. I think my bond with him is so strong because I almost lost him when he was first born, but I couldn't ask god for him to be any other way.

Kelvin laughed and placed another kiss on my lips. "What are we gonna do with him?" He sarcastically asked me as we walked into our home.

I met my boyfriend Kelvin six years ago when he came into my law firm, he was filing for divorce and needed a divorce lawyer. After his case, the two of us kept in touch and he eventually asked me on a date and it's just gone great from there.

He's everything you'd want in a man and then some, the way he treats me and accepts my children as his own makes me fall more in love with him everyday.

"So when are we having our house warming party? I want to invite all my friends from school Jessika asked as she took her Airpods out. She sipped on her green apple slush from QuickTrip and tilted her head waiting on our answers.

Jessika is Kelvin's daughter from his previous marriage she's thirteen just like Amir. They both share the same birthday which we always found strange but cool. So we just refer to them two as twins.

Michelle, her mother AKA Kelvin's ex wife gave up her parental rights after the divorce giving him full custody of Jess. When we first started dating she was still young so I've watched her grow and taught her so much.

She's basically mine, Never in a million years would I just throw my rights away and give up on Lyric or Amir, But Michelle and I are two different women.

"When we get settled in." Kelvin told her. The two of them carried on with their conversation while I focused my attention to my oldest who was closing the trunk to her car after getting her gym bag out.

I made my way over to help her carry some stuff but she slightly moved back. "I got it, thanks." Lyric mumbled.

"What do you think of the house tuts?" I asked while closing her trunk so she didn't have to.

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