"Billie, was it?" Mrs. Adams smiled and walked forward, reaching out her hand to shake Billie's. Billie took it carefully, and his mother gripped it tightly. "I'm Brooklyn Adams. It's nice to meet the other half of this unplanned teenage pregnancy."

It was a particularly harsh statement, and Billie definitely felt the jab at them both, but Mrs. Adams was still smiling congenially. It was hard to tell if she was joking or not.

"Uh...the pleasure is all mine?" Billie said, uncertain how to respond to her.

Brooklyn stared pensively at Billie for a moment, and Billie stared up at her, completely unable to tell what was going through the woman's mind. There was something really chill about her, but also something authoritative and maybe a little frightening that made Billie nervous. But Billie was honestly glad she had Brandon there with her, because Mama Adams was one intimidating woman.

Billie wondered if Brooklyn saw her as some kind of gold digger. Billie and her mother gold digger. Billie and her family scraped by on life, while clearly Brandon was well to do, but she didn't like Brandon because of that. He was honestly one of the best people she'd ever met. He made her feel like she could be better than where she was in life. He made her happier than she'd ever been. If she had to convince his mother of her sincerity, she would.

"Goodness, you got all dressed up cute for this for no reason. You're absolutely glowing." Brooklyn finally said gently. She had amused twinkle in her eyes that Billie recognized as one she usually saw Brandon sporting. "But you're pregnant. You have just worn a baggy sweater and sweatpants."

Billie's brows lifted in slight surprise. She had been about to wear that. Before she could respond, Brooklyn let go of Billie's hand and turned back around, heading towards the alcove next to the living room with a hanging chandelier where a table had been set.

"Dinner was ready, so why don't we get this out of the way first so we can discuss things" She called out over her shoulder. "I made homemade vegetable lasagna. I hope you like it."

Neither of them moved, still standing in the same place in front of the door, a little bit taken aback by what had just happened. Billie glanced at Brandon behind her who still had that slightly anxious look on his face.

"I said dinner is ready." Brooklyn barked, "Get moving you two!"

Billie jumped in alarm, and she rushed after his mother, feeling fear run down her back at the return of the ice cold tone.

This was Brandon's mother?


"So. You're pregnant, Billie." Brooklyn said after Brandon finished rinsing the plates and came back to sit next to Billie. Billie felt like she was on the chopping block from Brooklyn's intense stare. "And Brandon is the father. And you're eighteen weeks in?"

Dinner had been quiet an affair, with Billie too scared to make conversation, and Brandon clearly uneasy. The food had been great, and to Billie's delight, there had been ketchup on the table, so she'd been able to have some, though she hadn't put her usual quantity on the food. She knew how disgusting it could be to some people. She didn't want to make her impression on Brandon's mother any worse. And it was very hard to tell what Brooklyn thought about her. The woman was a master at guarding her expression.

After dinner, they had relocated to the living room where Billie sat stiffly, back completely straight, knowing that she was probably about to be interrogated. That was it. The moment that would make or break her relationship with Brandon and his mother.

Brandon took her hand in his, rubbing soft circles on her knuckles with his thumb, and Billie squeezed his hand in return in thanks for the support. It really was comforting.

Billie and Brandon: Unpredictable CircumstancesWhere stories live. Discover now