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"i'm down." he smiled.

"wait actually?" i questioned.

"Yeah. Why not?" He chuckled, as I whisper squealed.

"Ahh, we're gonna have so much fun." I smiled, mentally planning things out.

"ooh, what's happening in here?" JJ laughed, taking a seat next to me.

"Nothing." I chuckled, getting off of Simon, before he pulled me back onto his lap.

"Well hello there." I breathed out before we all laughed.

"Have you talked to Deji?" I asked JJ.

"No he locked himself I his room." the boy breathed slowly.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" I frowned.

"No, he'll come when he's ready."

After a few minutes of silence I spoke again.

"So, whats your vibe?" I asked Jide.

"what do you mean?" He asked me.

"well, not many people I know like you, except this dork. however I'm the exact same way, since being extroverted apparently pisses people off." I chuckled which made him laugh.

"do I know these people you know?" He asked.

"well my mate Joe Weller boxed you, as well as one of my clients." I said, adding,

"Logan Paul."

"Well, Joe Weller isn't half bad. But Logan's a complete dick, who I'm happy I finished in the ring." he said making me smiled.

"I agree, he can look like a dick on camera, but in person he's okay. Jake on the other hand, not so much." I said, making him laugh.

"I fucking hate Jake." JJ sighed.

"So does Logan." I chuckled.

"for real?" JJ laughed.

"Yea. They've fought so many times off camera it isn't even funny."

"Damn. How'd you and my bro meet?" he asked.

"well, we planned on doing a photo shoot, but we kinda just clicked and ended up hanging out all day." I giggled.

"Anyway I could schedule a photoshoot?"

"Well, Im gonna be in LA for awhile. But we could do a quick one today, or when I get back." I smiled.

"are you going to LA for work purposes or just to chill?"

"A bit of both."

"Im actually doing a show there the week of the fifth. you two should come." He smiled warmly.

"Bet." I giggled.

"We could do the shoot the week you're there if you're okay with it?"

"Yea, that works for me. I'll text your number later, and we can figure out the details, if that's chill?"

"Yea, you can add your contact and ill message you later." I said, handing him my phone with the 'add contact' already pulled up.

"Sounds good." he replied, handing me my phone back.

I could feel Simon tense up, so I moved in between him and the arm of the couch. I smiled up at him before wrapping his hand in mine. He smiled back before returning to his conversation with JJ.

"So you two are gonna have a bunch of fun in LA." JJ smirked, making me laugh. I wasn't one to get embarrassed, when it came to life I was on the more confident side of things.

"Hey." Deji mumbled walking in the room.

"Hi." J smiled.

"Um Charli? Can we do that photoshoot now? I noticed it was getting late." He said, completely ignoring JJ.


"Uh- I guess?" I stated, looking over at JJ, before frowning realizing how this shifted his mood.

"Actually- no. I'm sorry." I said, making him look at me, almost as if he'd seen a werewolf blowing into a trumpet. Yes- he was that confused.

"you've yet to pay me so I'm not legally required to do the shoot. it was great hanging out with you and all, but seeing how you've treated your own blood, and brother today, especially after you begged me to have him come here, I don't wish to be associated with that."

"Cool. Now all of you get out." he smiled sarcastically.

"Gladly." I smiled back, as Simon grabbed my hand and we walked out.

"Hey Si?" I asked, as he squeezed my hand tighter whilst walking to the cars.


"Did you ever believe I was real?"

"Uh, to be honest, no." he sighed.


"Did you think I was?"

"I hoped you were. otherwise, I would've been crazy." I chuckled.

"I get that." He giggled.

"Did I just make the simon minter, giggle?" I teased, making him chuckle before replying,

"I guess so, Charli Roberts." He smiled, pulling me into a hug.

"Shit, what time is it?" I asked JJ, since he was on his phone.

"8:15. Why?"

"fuck, Im supposed to meet joe in fifteen minutes." I sighed, making them laugh.

"We're better than him anyways." Simon chuckled, as I nodded.

"I cant deny that. "I giggled.

"tell him you had to pack, then come hang at our flat for the night." Simon smiled.

"that actually might work." JJ added.

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