Freedom Fighters

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"This isn't right..." Sokka continued to protest as Jet and the Freedom Fighters attacked an old fire nation man.

"No it's not." a voice could be heard above them. A smoke bomb was thrown down to the ground and a black figure jumped into the fray. Sokka and Jet waited for the smoke to clear. They saw a figure wearing black and dark read clothing helping up the old man. Her hair was long and white. It almost glowed a pale blue in the morning light. Her face was completely disguised by a mask.

"You-- you were there the night my parents died." Jet stuttered his face twisting in rage. "I can't see your face but the hair gives it away."

"I'm afraid I killed too many for the Fire Nation to remember a specific time." the girl said. Sokka could hear the pain in her voice, but Jet had already drawn his swords.

"But I'm sorry for what I have done to you."

Jet paused, unsure of what to do.

"The Fire Nation hurt me too. They killed my parents too."

"LIAR!" Jet shouted. "Why would they kill their own citizens?!"

He lunged at the girl, but Jet was obviously no match for the girl. She kept her hands behind her back as she dodged. She only attacked when there was an opening, striking him at the neck, causing Jet to collapse to the ground.

"The Fire Nation has killed many of it's own. Just because it is the place of my birth does not mean it's my home." the girl said wistfully before turning around and guiding the old man down the path.


Water charged towards the village. Sokka had already evacuated the people, but they would lose their homes. Until the same girl walked out from the town and got into firebending position. In one fluid motion she slid her foot around in a half circle while doing the same with her right hand. Her left thrust forward, and a massive blast of fire came out from it. The water instantly evaporated into thin air. The village was saved.

"Who was that?" Katara asked Sokka as he rode up to them on Appa.

"I don't know." he said, "But maybe we should ask her to tag along with us. Aang will need a firebending teacher anyways."

"That's a great idea!" Aang said, making his way down from the ledge to meet with the mysterious woman. Before he could even get out a word she cut him off.

"You should leave this place Avatar. You put the people here at risk." she said firmly, not even turning to face him.

"I'll leave... if you come with me." Aang said with a smirk. The girl turned around. Even though he couldn't see her face he was certain she was surprised.

"I don't think that is wise. You're not the only person the Fire Nation is looking for." she said sadly, her head tilting to the ground.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Aang replied.

"There she is!" a Fire Nation soldier yelled as five of them began to run towards the girl.

"It means that." she said to Aang before blasting off the ground with fire and fleeing into the forest.

I Will Burn Brighter~ Avatar the Last Airbender OCWhere stories live. Discover now