Chapter 9: University

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Well today is the day that I'm finally going back to school. I have been talking to my parents these past few days because I kept missing them. By the way, last week they announced that me and Hanbin are rumored to be dating, like what!? It was just a one simple hug. Why would anybody think that we're dating. And because of that I kinda feel bad for Hanbin because I realized after that news that people are judging him everywhere. I don't get why the companies just let their artists date. It's kinda sad that they're treating there artists as if they were robots or like a perfect person. But nobody in this world is perfect. It makes me kinda happy that I didn't joined the music/showbiz industry because I'm the type of person that doesn't like to be controlled.

I just realized it's already 7:30 and my class starts at 8:00. I need to hurry because I don't wanna be late at the first day of school. I packed everything and walked to Seoul University. I know you're wondering why I am walking not driving or riding anything, well it's because my dorm is really close to Seoul University so it's quite easy to go to school. I arrived after a couple of minutes walking. As I was walking I heared people whispering while looking at me. They look so shock. But I just ignored it and walked towards the first semester. After it ended, I walked towards my locker and grab the books I need for the next semester. I arrived pretty early for this semester. People are starting to come in. Then suddenly three girls walked towards me.

"Look who it is." the 1st girl said.

"Uh.. Do I know you?" I asked. To be honest that girl seems familiar but I don't know who though.

"Well my name is Irene and the girl beside me is Seulgi, the girl next to her is Yeri." Irene said.

"Ok." I said as I put my airpods on.

"Hey, hey, hey. I'm not done talking to you."

I just kept my mouth shut.

"Everyone in the campus know that you're dating Kim Hanbin." Irene said.

"Yeah." Seulgi said.

"Well do you even watch the news. YG Entertainment already confirmed that we're just friends and that's a fact."

"Do you think we're dumb? Of course YG was just lying so that Hanbin can date you without getting hate."

"Are you crazy?" I put my airpods in once again and moved to another desk.

"We're not crazy and we don't hate you. Actually we wanna be friends with you."

"Why would you wanna be friends with me?"

"Because your boyfriend is a freaking idol duh."

"First of all he's not my boyfriend, he's just my friend. Second of all umm... I don't know if I can trust all three of you."

"Of course you can-" Irene's words were cut off by the bell. So the class started. After a couple of hours, all semester has finally ended, so I went to my locker but suddenly a girl came to me.

"Don't trust them." the girl said.

"Uh.. What do you mean? And who are you?" I asked in confusion.

"I meant those three girls, Irene, Seulgi and Yeri. And I'm Wendy by the way." she said as she shook my hand.

"You don't have to say yours because everyone knows your name. Park Y/n." she added.

"Ok, I thought being popular is amazing but I think it's actually starting to get weird."

"Well I know I couldn't trust those girls and by the way have you been stalking me? Because how did you know about our conversation." I added.

"I was in the same class as you and I just overhead your conversation. Irene just wants to be popular. She was the one who posted the picture of you and Hanbin hugging." when Wendy said that I was super shocked.

"What the heck!" I stormed out of the university and walked towards the apartment I stay in. I was so shock and mad. I threw my bag onto the floor and threw myself on my couch.

"That's why she was so familiar to me. Because I've seen her on the freaking news." I mumbled to myself.

"How could she do that to Hanbin?!"

I kept asking myself questions even though I know no one would answer them. After thinking for a while I heared a knock on my door, so I stood up and opened it and so a guy holding a camera and a girl holding a mic on her hand.

"Uh.. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Sorry to bother you miss. But we need your opinion about the rumor that you and iKON's Kim Hanbin are dating." the news lady said.

"Umm... Sorry but I have no comment." I then closed my door, I thought they would go away but more people from the media are starting to flood in. They were so loud outside. I swear news reporters are so amazing like I'm literally closing my door and not talking to them but they kept pushing me until they got some answers from me. But I'm never going outside.

I just remembered I have an assignment. I know right. First day of freaking class but there's homework like WHAT. Welcome to college. Everything in college just sucks. Like in high school only homeworks sucks but in college people and homeworks/projects sucks.

So I grabbed my bag and grabbed my homework as I walked towards my room. I tried answering my homework but the people outside are so loud I couldn't focus. So I walked outside my room and opened my door.

"Umm.. Can you guys please leave now? I have a lot of things to do and I can't focus because it's too loud." I told them.

"But you have to say something." the guy said.

"Yeah, tell us your opinions about the rumor." the girl said.

Ugh. Why can't they just give up? Oh wait I have an idea!

"Umm.. Uh.. I'll tell you my opinion tomorrow. How about that?" I said.

"Sure!" they said in unison as they slowly left my apartment.

Whew! Finally I lost them. So now I can focus answering my homework.

*The Next Day*

I woke up from a loud noise coming from outside. I stood up still half asleep and walked my way to the front door and saw tons of news reporters it made me shocked and immediately closed the door.

"Ma'am you said you'd tell us your opinion." they said from outside.



"So what's your opinion ma'am?"

What the actual heck. It's freaking 6 in the morning and reporters are at my front door asking my opinions. I'm so frustrated right now. If this is what popularity feels like then I'm not gonna be a freaking celebrity. I just continued doing my morning routine even though it's loud outside. I grabbed my bag and went outside. Reporters were asking me questions but I just ignored them and made my way to Seoul University. I arrived at my school and reporters are still surrounding me but luckily the bell rang so that means the first semester starts and they can't get in.

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