Chapter 5: Only Talking

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I opened my eyes with a bright shiny light hitting my wall. It was a sunny morning I would say. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I threw on a white crop top and a blue skinny ripped jeans. I made myself a bowl of cereal and coffee.

While eating my breakfast, I turned on my TV and saw a commercial and the endorsers were iKON. Seeing Hanbin on my TV screen makes me feel proud of him and I'm kinda missing him a lot these days. And if you're wondering what I told Mrs. Kim yesterday, then I'm gonna tell you exactly what happened.


It's unfortunate that Hanbin and I didn't have the chance to talk to each other. I opened the Candy Shop's door and I was looking around for seats but I suddenly saw Mrs. Kim. She was seating with Hanbyul at the second row. They were eating candies while talking. They look so happy. Especially hanbyul. I just wanna say hi to her or talk to her. I wanna know how Hanbin is doing. But what if she doesn't remember me? What if it will just be awkward? What will happen? Ugh I can't help but think of worst case scenarios that'll happen if I talk to her. But I built up my courage and decided to talk to her.

So I walked towards her and Hanbyul and said hi.

"Hi!" I said.

Nervously smiles.

"Hello! I'm sorry but have we met before?" Mrs. Kim asked.

I told me that she wouldn't remember me.

"Uh.. Yeah. I'm y/n. Hanbin's childhood friend." I answered.

"Oh yeah. I remember now." she said.

"Uh.. I just wanted to know how Hanbin is doing. I don't have social media so I don't really have an idea how he's been doing." I said.

"Oh, he's been doing good but he's really busy lately because they just released a new song." she answered.

"Oh yeah, I knew that. It's an amazing song." I told.

We chatted a little and I played with Hanbyul too. But unfortunately, I have to go home now because it's almost 11 o'clock and that means it's almost lunch time.

"It was nice meeting you again Mrs. Kim." I politely said.

"Oh it was nice meeting you too. And please call me auntie, don't call me Mrs. Kim because that's too formal." she smiled.

"Oh ok. Noted." I said.

"Bye Hanbyul, bye auntie!" I added.

We bid goodbye.

I went back to my dorm. I have to cook for myself because I don't have my mom or my dad with me. Wow, I've only been away with eomma and appa only for couple of hours but it feels like forever. I miss them already.

The smell of the food is so good. If you're wondering what am I cooking, well I'm cooking... Kimchi fried rice. It's simple but it's heaven in the taste buds. My eomma taught me how to cook it and I'm glad she did. I turned on my TV and started to eat. I was watching a TV show that me, eomma and appa always watch and it makes me miss them so much. It sucks to be alone in this apartment. I feel lonely and my only friend is Mino oppa.


I can't believe I wanna go to school. Probably because I'm hella bored watching different TV shows every single day. Like I wanna do something with someone but I know it won't happen because Mino is always busy since his a K-pop idol.


I woke up from my nap when I heared my phone ringing continuously. It was an unknown number.

"Who could this be?" I asked myself.

"Hello?" I asked the person, the one I'm talking right now.

"Uh.. Hi!" a familiar voice greeted me awkwardly.

An awkward silence enveloped us because none of us dared to talk. I was supposed to hang up but then he broke the ice between us.

"Hi y/n." he said. His voice is very familiar but I can't pinpoint who it is.

"Uh hi. How do you know my name? Are you Mino oppa?" I asked. I think it's Mino because he knows my name but it doesn't sound like Mino. I'm so confused.

"Oh no. I'm not. I'm..." he paused for a while.

"I'm H-hanbin." I could hear him stuttering. I couldn't believe it. How did he got my phone number. And he still remembers me?

"Hanbin?!?!?" I said in shock. I just couldn't believe it. Is this a dream. I slapped myself to see if it's a dream but it isn't, it's reality.

"Yeah it's me. It's been a while."

"I know. Do you wanna go to a cafe or something, so that we can see each other?" I asked.

"I'm so sorry but I can't. I wish I could though."

"Oh why??" I asked.

"I'm practicing. I'm really busy these days. We just had a break that's why I decided to call you. I'll hang up soon since we're going to practice again." he answered.

"Oh, yeah. You're mom mentioned that YG is having a family concert here in Seoul next month." I stated.

"Oh did she?"


"Well yeah it's true. Are you going there?" he asked. I can feel he desperately want me to come to their concert.

"Uh.. I'm not sure yet." I answered.

"It's ok."

"Oh were going back to practice again. See you soon! Bye!" he said.


He hanged up.

Wow I couldn't believe Hanbin and I are talking again. All of this feels like a dream but instead it's reality. A lot of great things has been happening with me. And I'm really happy. But kinda sad because I miss eomma and appa.

I hope to meet Hanbin soon. I really miss him so much. Well, we did bumped into each other yesterday but we didn't had the chance to talk. I might haven't seen him again but atleast we are talking. Hearing his voice was so amazing. I definitely miss him.

"HANBIN-AH I MISS YOU!" I yelled from my bedroom. My neighbors are probably annoyed by me. Oops.

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