Fighting Techniques.

109 6 3

Sun, May 24 2020

I know I was supposed to post this yesterday, but I fell asleep before I could.
Okay, so I am aware that I have horrible spelling. I type too fast and I'm too lazy to go back over all of my words ._.

Okay, so here are some fighting techniques for Avians that me and a few others are coming up with. They may not be good, but I will test them when I get my wings. If the person your fighting does not notice you, dont do anything. There is a high chance that you may get hurt in one way or another while using these. Do not use them if it's not necessary.

1. Wing Flapping:
Okay, I know this does not sound useful, but hear me out. If you're facing a threat, you should be able to flap your wings and make a guest of wind that MIGHT blow them off of their feet. If that doesn't work, you atleast look menacing.

2. Flying Dive:
Alright, this one would be kind of hard. You'd have to have strong wings and be able to fly. If you see the threat below you when flying, you can dive toward them and then you would have a lot of opportunities. You could attempt to kick them, but it would possibly mess up your flight. Or could try to pick them up
And take them into the skies, but the drag would be horrible, and you may not be able too get far. I recomend practicing this.  And if the threat has a gun, DONT DO IT. They can easily shoot you down. If they dont notice you, just fly away.

Depending on your wing color, you could try to camouflage In the undergrowth so enemy's dont bvb see you. Since your wings are so big, it would be easy as long as you have the right feather color. It may also depend on your distance from them. If your trying to camouflage from far away with brown wings in a woodland, It may work.

4. Pin Down [two methods]:
This wont be the easiest to use. This move requires stealth, which is hard to have if you have wings AND a tail. It's most likely that your tail would drag on the ground [possibly your wings if they get that big], which would ruin it if you're in a forest. But you would need to sneak up behind the threat, and try to knock them down. You could always do this in front of them, but they'd probally have a gun, which could kill you. You could also do this when flying, and try to land on their back. This would give an element of surprise, and bring down more of a force upon the person. Overall more effective. But that would most likely hurt you as well. Landing so suddenly may send you flying.

5.Wing Block:
If someone is head on attacking you, you can use your wings to block their attacks. But this could damage your wing, and possibly break a bone. Which would be horrible. You wouldnt he able to go to a doctor to get it fixed, and there is always the possibility that it may heal incorrectly.

I may add some more, but that's all I can think of rn.


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