Chapter 29: Lester

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Who would dare marry their daughters to the Dartmouth family?

Lester's grandfather and grandmother were both war veterans who came from humble origins, and his father, too, married his mother, who was the daughter of a merchant.

There was no noble blood running through Lester's veins, and with each day that went in this gods-forsaken school, the future prospect of ever having noble blood in his family was slim.

He had no hopes of ever becoming more when his possible future wife would also be of common blood.

Lester came to this stupid academy for the sake of his family. He wanted to make a name to further the legacy of the Dartmouths, to prove that they were capable of standing with the noble class, deserving of their title, which they fought for and struggled to keep.

Despite the prestige of the Dartmouth's command of the Silver Raven, he knew deep in his heart that he was seen as nothing more than a lowly brute who could only wave around a sword to get what he wanted.

All these weak noble children with their sharp tongues and mind games were nothing if they couldn't defend themselves against his parries.

Sword Class was his sanctuary. He could beat up anyone he wanted, and it would be fine.

Who cared if they insulted him? Who cared if they called him names? Smeared his reputation? Splashed filthy water on him?

If it meant he could beat up those rich, spoilt, lily-white, pompous arses into a bloody pulp at the end of the day, then he was satisfied.

And no, he had never discriminated by gender. Boy or girl, he was willing to beat them up with the same amount of viciousness they dared to use with their words to bully him into submission.

Lester took great pleasure in seeing the way his classmates cowered beneath his feet once they got their asses handed to them.

He was no prodigy like his grandfather, but he was well trained and had a more solid foundation than most of the student population.

His fun lasted all the way to about a month into the school year, when he met that fucking bastard from the Deerborn Family.

He was the first to ever knock him down during sword class, and Lester might have forgiven him and seen him as a proper rival if not for that look of distaste smeared across Deerborn's face.

There was a sickening air of self-righteousness exuding from him that made Lester want to vomit.

Memphis Deerborn, the genius.

He was the son of Baron Deerborn, who was the Commander of the Gold Lion Division, a bunch of military meatheads who only knew how to swing a sword and charge straight first into a warzone.

He was treated like the god of swordsmanship, well-liked, lazy, but stupid. They were both from the baron class, yet, why was Lester treated lower than that bastard?

In the end, the answer was his blood.

Memphis was a true, blue-blooded noble, with a lineage descending down since the first Emperor of Rhine. He was to be the future commander of the Gold Lion, just as Lester was fated to be the Silver Raven commander.

His family was powerful despite their rank, and have served the crown since the birth of the empire, defending it with their noble Golden Lion Knights, the symbol of the Rhine Empire.

Everyone knew of the rivalry between the Silver Raven and the Gold Lion as a rather violent rivalry. After the Fifty Years War, the knight division split into two.

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