William Nylander - My Hero

Start from the beginning

"That's awesome! I'm working on establishing my own fashion line."

"Wow, good for you!" You were genuinely happy for Eden. She had been through a lot during college, and it seemed she was picking up the pieces and moving forward with her life.

"Babe," Will said gently. "Where's the restroom?"

"Just go out that way and it'll be the first door on your right." You pointed to the gym exit behind you.

"Thanks. I'll be right back, I promise. It was nice meeting you both."

"You, too," Eden and Samantha said simultaneously, and Will walked away.

"God, he's so dreamy! You are so lucky!" Eden sounded wistful.

You were about to reply when Samantha cut you off. "What's it like dating a star hockey player? I can't imagine having my boyfriend go on road trips all the time and barely seeing him for at least six months out of the year."

You sighed, recognizing the subtle dig. You had hoped Samantha changed since she was on her way to becoming a kickass journalist, but she clearly hadn't left her old pettiness behind.

"I didn't know if it would work at first, but Will is such a great guy and goes above and beyond to make me happy," you answered honestly.

"That's great, I'm happy for you!" You could tell from her tone that she didn't mean it. "Oh, look, Eden, there's Alyssa! Excuse us, Y/N, it was great talking to you!" Samantha grabbed Eden's wrist and half-dragged her away.

And just like that, you were alone. You pulled on the hem of your dress nervously and looked around, trying to find one of your former classmates you'd be comfortable talking to when you heard the voice you dreaded most.

"Y/N! Long time no see!" You turned around and came face to face with Miles for the first time since graduation.

You and Miles had been friends for the first two years of high school, initially bonding over being new kids in the district. Almost everyone else in your grade thought he was annoying, but you thought he was funny. At the beginning of junior year, the two of you started dating, and you quickly saw what your classmates had been talking about. Miles was deeply insecure, so he hid it by behaving obnoxiously and occasionally rude. You broke up with him and wondered what on Earth you had seen in him, while Miles tried to win you back before giving up senior year.

"Hello, Miles." You were polite, hoping Miles would behave. Will had been gone for a few minutes now, so he'd be back soon.

"You know, I've been standing here watching all these posers, and I came to the realization that you and I are the only normal ones around here." Miles stepped closer to you.

"Nah, most of us are normal." You took a step back and thought to yourself, and you're not one of them, Miles. But you would never say that out loud because you were thoroughly repulsed and creeped out, but you were also trying not to piss him off. You wished Will would come back.

"No, they're not. I've missed you, Y/N." Miles closed the distance between you and wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug, which you did not reciprocate. You wanted to push him away, but you froze.

"Get your hands off my girlfriend."

Miles let go in surprise and you turned around, relieved to see Will standing right behind you. You scurried over to him and he put his arm around you protectively while holding your hand with his free one.

"Who are you?" Miles asked, although his eyes bulging out of his skull begged to differ.

"Come on, cut the bullshit. You know who I am. What were you doing to Y/N? She clearly doesn't want to be anywhere near you." Will's eyes, which were generally sparkling and kind, were harsh and stormy as he glared at Miles. You had never seen him like this.

"Dude, I don't know what you're talking about: she came up to me."

You gasped and opened your mouth to defend yourself when Will looked down at you. His eyes softened momentarily before he directed his glare back at Miles, and you knew he believed you.

"No, she didn't. I know guys like you, obsessed with their ex-girlfriends and fantasizing that they'll get them back. You need to get a grip. Y/N broke up with you six years ago, for fuck's sake! She's made it abundantly clear that she doesn't like you and isn't interested in any contact—"

"She didn't pull away from me a few seconds ago."

"Because I panicked!" You broke your silence. "I hoped that when I stepped away from you, you would take a hint and get lost."

Miles opened his mouth and closed it, apparently deciding against replying. Will squeezed your hand and said: "If you ever harass Y/N again, you'll be very sorry."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah," Will practically growled. "So I suggest that you walk away and leave us alone."

After a moment that felt like hours, Miles said, "Fine, she's not even worth it, anyway," before turning around and walking to the refreshment table.

Will turned his full attention to you and pulled you closer for a hug. "Are you alright?" he said into your hair.

"I'm fine, babe."

Will kissed the top of your head before pulling away to look into your eyes. "I shouldn't have ever left you alone. I'm so sorry, Y/N."

"Don't be. I can take care of myself 99% of the time, you know that, but you were there when I needed you most."

"I will always protect you, Y/N, no matter what. You know that, right?"

"I do. You're my hero, Willy," you said as you gazed into his beautiful eyes.

You felt the tension release from Will's hands and shoulders as he gazed back at you with love. "I propose that we go home, order Chinese food, and watch some Netflix. What do you say?"

"Let's do it."

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