Adrian Kempe - Not Losing Me

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A/N: I have no idea what the Kings' social media people are like: I just made them that way to highlight the problem of sexism in the workplace. If you have ever experienced sexism or harassment, please know that it is not your fault and you have every right to report whoever did that to you.

Warnings: Swearing/language, angst, sexism, mentions of catcalling and harassment

Word Count: 1.8k

Another night, another loss.

You sighed as you turned off the post-game coverage, knowing that Adrian would be home any minute now. The Kings had not been doing well recently, and your boyfriend was in a perpetually sullen mood. You didn't want to make him feel worse than he already did.

As soon as you put down the clicker, you heard the telltale signs of keys jingling outside the door, a string of curses, and finally, the lock turning. The door burst open, and Adrian came stomping inside. There was a wild look in his eyes that you had never seen in the seven years you had known him.

"I'm so fucking sick of losing!" Adrian exclaimed, throwing his hockey bag down on the ground.

Your heart hurt for him. You stood up, walked over to him, and wrapped your arms around him in a bone-crushing hug. You whispered in his ear, "I know, babe."

Adrian's body tensed and he pulled away from your embrace, but you still kept your arms around him. "No, you don't, (Y/N)! All you do is study, and work, and study some more! You have no idea what I'm going through!"

"I'd beg to differ," you responded, keeping your voice calm. "We do completely different things, sure, but frustration is central to both of our jobs. When I hand in a paper that I know is subpar, I feel like a loser."

Adrian's eyes darkened. "Are you actually trying to compare grad school to being a professional athlete?" The venom in his voice cut through you like a knife. "Come on, (Y/N), get real! I not only have to play games five times a week, but I also have to stay in perfect physical shape and put the puck in the net! Grad school is child's play."

The last comment made you snap. The floodgates opened, and tears started streaming down your face. "Don't you dare tell me that what I do is child's play!" you screamed. "I know you've been down lately, so I've tried to be as understanding as possible, but you just crossed the line!"

"Really? You're going to throw a temper tantrum now?" Adrian's voice was dripping with snark.

You were overwhelmed by your emotions, but "That's it, I'm done," was all you said as you turned away and walked into the bedroom.

You went into the closet and grabbed a blanket. It was too late at night to fight like this, and you needed time to think. You plucked Adrian's pillow off the bed before returning to the living room, putting them on the couch, and informing him: "I think it's best if you sleep out here tonight."

The possessed look in Adrian's eyes vanished immediately, and remorse replaced it. "(Y/N), baby, I shouldn't have said that, I'm so..."

"No." A suppressed sob made your voice sound choked. "You hurt me. You really hurt me, and I need some distance from you now, so please, just stay on the couch." Your voice was reduced to a squeak by the time you finished.

Adrian's green eyes looked suspiciously watery, but he just nodded and grabbed the blanket, unfolded it, and laid it out on the couch while you walked back into the bedroom and closed the door, locking it before you climbed into bed and shut off the light.

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