William Nylander - My Hero

683 9 0

Warnings: Swearing/language, anxiety, angst, guy who doesn't know the word "no"

Word Count: 1.5k

"Babe, are you almost ready?" Will called from the bedroom.

"Yeah, just finishing up my makeup!" you yelled.

While it was true that you were trying to cover up a few stubborn pimples (of course your skin chose this morning to break out), that wasn't the whole story. You were nervous about attending your high school's five-year reunion. You were supposed to go with your only friend from high school, Kayla, but she ended up having to go out of town for the weekend. Since you had already RSVP'd, Will offered to go, for which you were immensely grateful—there was no way you could face your past alone.

"Y/N, are you okay?" you jumped at the sound of your boyfriend's voice. He was standing behind you in the bathroom wearing a dress shirt and pants, a tie in his hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you lied.

Will walked over, wrapped his arms around your waist, and set his chin on your shoulder. "Yeah, right. You were staring in the mirror like you were in a trance when I walked in, you didn't notice me, and you stayed that way until a few seconds ago. What's wrong?"

"I'm nervous."


"You know I had no friends, other than Kayla, of course. I was the wallflower, the girl who avoided attention as much as she could, but I'm different now. I'm going to law school and I've been dating one of the star players on the Maple Leafs for over a year. All of the attention will be on me tonight."

"Yeah, because they missed out on being friends with the smartest and most beautiful girl in Canada." Will kissed your cheek. "Pretend it's like a Leafs charity event and you're trying to avoid a few over-curious donors."

"That's actually really good advice."

"Don't sound so shocked." Will said, mock offended, and you laughed. "See, there's that smile I know and love. Did you finish your makeup?"

"Yeah, I just need to put on my shoes."

"Good, then let's get out of here. Don't want to be late." Willy gestured toward the door. You stepped through it and into the bedroom, sat on the bed, and grabbed your shoes. As you slipped them on your feet, Will sat down next to you and asked: "Tie or no tie?" He held up the sapphire blue tie for you to inspect.

"Hmm...I'm gonna go with no tie. You look sexy with the shirt collar open," you said.

"Yeah?" His ocean blue eyes sparkled with mirth.

"Yeah." You kissed him chastely on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you, too. Shall we?" Will stood up and offered you his hand, and you took it.


You and Will arrived at the reunion 45 minutes earlier and so far, so good. Every conversation you had with your former classmates, the people who you used to see every day went well.

"So, Y/N, what have you been up to?" Eden asked.

"I'm interning at a law firm and finishing up my master's at U of T," you replied, and Will smiled down at you proudly. He had his arm wrapped around your waist and hadn't left your side since you got there.

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