
i can hear jaehyun laughing

that man fears no god

please don't compare
haechan to god

lucas the only thing xiao
ever did was help hycum move


Chenle looked at Kun and the manager with innocent eyes and a pout on his face, the taller chicken-like boy draped over him like a rag doll. "He passed out."

"Who is he?" The manager asked, looking annoyed. "Chenle, you can't wander off like that. Do you know how irresponsible that is? You're an idol, Not a child, and you need to act as su -"

"You found him!" A new voice exclaimed, bustling over. "I knew my little brother would get lost." Chenle didn't know who he had been expecting to defend him, but it for certain wasn't him.

Xiaojun sent him a brilliant smile, and Chenle just mutely nodded back. "This is Xiao Zhìshēng."

"Oh." The manager said, and Xiaojun looked sheepish.

"I forgot to tell you, but he's visiting from China!" Xiaojun laughed. "He was lost, and I was in the middle of shooting so I sent Chenle!"

"Ah. Sorry." The manager said as Xiaojun shuffled over and helped Chenle carry Jisung over to the couch they had.

"You owe me," Xiaojun said, and Chenle nodded, sitting down to put Jisung's head on his lap as Jisung stirred.

"Jaemin, I had a weird dream," Jisung whined. "It turns out that Dol guy is Chenle and he found me crying over a cockroach which is really embarrassing."

"Yeah it really is," Chenle replied, and Jisung nodded blearily before shooting up, slamming his head into Chenle's chin. "Ow," Chenle whined, and Jisung gasped.

"Oh shit oh fuck oh god I - I'm - you're - what the fuck?"

"Language!" Doyoung shouted from the beverages, getting ready to throw a water bottle at Jisung. "Oh wait. Who are you?"

"He's Chenle's -"


"Dearest baby!" Yukhei mocked, and Chenle stuck out his tongue.

"Still, language." Doyoung retreated, and Chenle rolled his eyes.

"Doyoung is all bark and no bite Jisung, don't worry."

Jisung didn't look worried, but he looked like he was having an aneurysm. And Chenle didn't want that.

"Um, so I don't live in China."

"I can tell," Jisung said, slowly coming to his senses. "You're Zhong Chenle." Jisung said Chenle's name right, and his heart did a backflip when he did so.


"You're a real person."


"You speak Korean?"

"I am a legend after all," Chenle said, and heard Donghyuck snort. "Oh shut up!"

"You're all real?"

"Yes. Why? Did you think we were some fever dream?"

"W-well I get sick easily s-so I dunno," Chenle could see a blush burning on Jisung's cheeks, and he couldn't help but pinch them. "Okay that hurt a little, you're real. And you just pinched my cheeks."


so i'm really scared, i'm in america and all my friends are attending a protest (i have work so i can't go but i've signed petitions and sent emails) but i just got the news the cops in our area have the right to use whatever force they see fit and... i know it's selfish but i don't want my friends to get hurt, so now i'm having a huge anxiety attack and i'm crying i'm so scared this isn't what america was meant to be.

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