That full moon night, the jealous brother snuck into their camp and killed his brother. When Selene discovered that her beloved was killed, she wept. The pack gathered around her to comfort as the beautiful full moon turned blood red. Selene used the last of her power to bestow special abilities to the rest of the members of the pack. She instructed them to watch over all humans and protect them evil, especially the jealous brother and those he may associate with. She told each of them that they would never be lonely, and a mate would be destined to live by their side until they passed. Extremely weakened and heartbroken, Selene returned to the sky.

Every five years, we remember the sacrifice of Selene's power to her first pack and we celebrate with heightened senses and strong pack's. The symbol of her love and heartbreak is a ruby moon, a Blood Moon. The bond between mates is strongest at this time as well.

Werewolves now live among other supernatural creatures living in packs and trying to protect the human world. They are led by an Alpha who is dedicated to the members of his pack in keeping them safe and happy.


There is always a counterpart for each werewolf to complete their soul, a mate. No one knows who their mate is until they are near them. The pull between mates is undeniable as both werewolves feel the painful need to always be near each other. It is mentally, emotionally, and sometimes physically painful to be away from your mate.However, the pain lessens when each mate has been marked. This can only happen under the light of a full moon and if both mates consent. A wolf can live on if their mate dies, but they are often driven mad from the loss.

There are old stories of werewolves having humans for a mate. It is said that every few thousand years or so, Selene chooses an Alpha to have a human mate to remind them of the connection between the races and to continue that balance of life. Mating between a human and a werewolf is difficult and records have been lost on successful relationships between a human and a werewolf.


Daeva are descendants of the jealous brother whose only goal is to rid the world of other supernatural creatures, especially werewolves. They look and act just like humans, but have special abilities and are hell bent on revenge and violence with promises of praise and treasure in the afterlife.

Pack Hierarchy

Alpha - the leader of the pack, typically male Is chosen passed on family bloodline or challenge. The Alpha tends to be the strongest wolf in the pack and is heavily respected.

Luna - Alpha's mate, typically female. The Luna is just as respected by the pack as the Alpha is. She is his partner and 2nd in command is the Alpha is away.

Beta - Alpha's right-hand man. The beta is the third in command if both Alpha and Luna are away.

Delta - The Delta is often the trainer for the pack and helps the Beta where need be. The Delta is fourth in the command chain

Zeta - lead warrior for the pack. They are the ones leading any fights that may occur

Eta - warriors. They follow the Zeta

Kappa - Lead hunter. The Kappa leads the charge for hunting.

Zi - other hunters

Theta - While it is not a very common position, the Zeta is the pack's healer. Some are trained in medicine while others have special abilities, granting them the position of Theta.

My mind was spinning trying to process all this information. I felt like I had more questions than answers, but I knew I would learn more as the days went by. Taehyung told me to come find him when I was done, so I closed the books and headed to his office. I walked to the door that was next to the library and knocked.

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