Chapter 6: I'll be back

Start from the beginning

They got along well during that day but after a week, Nagisa told them that he's going to the states to study and never contacted them ever since though he sent them postcards but never told them where he is

During that time Karma and Okuda has been hanging out and eventually get together and during those years their classmates except Rio haven't kept in touch, though there's teasing that they should have a reunion but that never happened because of their busy schedules and that Nagisa is nowhere to be found

》》End of Flashback《《

"Ok this is my stop, see ya guys!" Rio said smiling at them and get off the train, waving as the train door closes

"See ya Rio-chan!" Okuda said waving while Karma just nodded at her

It's been minutes but Okuda sensed that karma was in deep thought "Karma are you okay?" Asked Okuda worried

Karma woke up from his thoughts and smiled at Okuda reassuring her that he was alright "I'm fine" and he put his hand on her waist which make Okuda blush pink

Karma chuckled, they had been together for 6 years now and she still blushes on little contact but nevertheless Karma couldn't wish any better

》》Back at Nagisa's apartment《《

Nagisa whom by now cleaning up the apartment is still has a tinge of pink on his cheeks, he can't get over the fact that Kayano kissed his cheek

"Stop it Nagisa! you're being stupid.. I mean she must've kiss her friends on the cheek when saying goodbye, right?" Nagisa thought feeling stupid on why he blushed so bad at a friendly kiss

Nagisa shook his head virogously attempting to shake off the thought but he can't help but to remember their shared conversation the night before and that he woke up next to her and it felt natural

And with that he slumped his body on the sofa but got up when he felt something on it, he took a piece of paper folded in two and when he opened it, he smiled

It was Kayano's number

》》Kayano's apartment《《

It's almost midnight when Kayano finished off all that is in her schedule but even though it was beyond tiring and that Risa-chan was asking her millions of questions whether who was the guy and where did she met him, was he an actor too but due to Risa-chan's dismay, Kayano just answered her yes or no, laughing at Risa-chan's antics

She just couldn't tell her yet,

She smiled even though she's exhausted, she still couldn't get to the fact that she slept next to Nagisa and that she thought that there could be something more between the two of them,

The way Nagisa traced her face feels like in the script that she read on one of her previous dramas, it was magical as said in the script though when she acted it with her leading partner she felt nothing

Kayano shook her head and pushed the button to the highest floor of the condo, she checked her phone, scrolling finding if any message that could belong to Nagisa but none which made kayano slump her shoulder walking to her door

She slipped her number on Nagisa's sofa when he was getting ready to walk her to the station,

'Maybe I'm just imagining' Kayano thought

Upon opening the door she was greeted by Kaito who lunged at her, she laughed as she pet him "How are you boy? Did you miss me?" Kayano laugh as the golded Retriever bark playfully at her

After playing with kaito for a little while, Kayano slip off her shoes and took a shower getting herself ready to bed

She was about to fall asleep when her phone rings indicating that someone sent her a message,

Feeling like her stomach turned upside down, she hurriedly pick up her phone only to be disappointed as she saw that it was only Daiki who sent her a message, she opened it nonetheless

'I saw you were having a good day and I hope it will always be like that, Goodnight Haruna-chan' Daiki texted

Kayano smiled at the text, Daiki seemed nice not like as the tabloids said about him, not that she believed the tabloids as she also has some wrong information recorded about her there,

'Thank you, you as well, Goodnight Saito-san' Kayano replied back but as she was about to go to sleep, Daiki texted back

'I told you that you can call me Daiki, Saito-san sounds like my father lol' Daiki texted back

'Alright Daiki-kun, Goodnight :)'

With that Kayano slowly fell asleep, smile lingers on her lips

A/N: I uploaded another one to make it up to you guys, Stay tune to the next chapters! Thank you for the support mina!

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