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chapter seven;

knowledge is power

SHE FOLLOWED PETER'S GESTURE AS HE KNELT IN FRONT OF IT, SLOWLY LIFTING IT. "Damn" he said. The purple light built the curiosity inside her. The air between them was dead silent, before Peter's ringtone, once again, ruins the situation.

Lucy narrowed her eyes at him as he quickly took his phone out of his pocket. "If you don't put that thing on mute, I'm actually going to blow them in half" Lucy commented. She glanced at the caller ID to see Ned's name.

"Hey man, what's up? I'm on my way back" Peter said. Lucy was too fazed off by the thing in front of her to be bothered by Peter's conversation. The stone seemed oddly familiar. It's like she had seen it before somewhere. "Are you going back to the party?" Peter asked, putting his phone back into his pockets.

Lucy shrugged, turning to him. "I don't know. Are you?" she asked. Peter shook his head. "Then neither am I" she said, standing up. She handed Peter the stone. "Keep it safe until Monday" she said.

"Wait, why do I get the responsibility here?" Peter asked. Lucy sighed.

"My dad's gonna be home tomorrow. If he sees that he will kill the both of us" she explained. Peter nodded and took the violet-emitting stone from Lucy's palm. "I should- uh- I should probably head back" she said. Peter nodded.

She walked past him and just before she teleported back into her room, Peter stopped her. "Lucy" he called out. She stopped her pace and turned to him, raising her eyebrows. "What happened back there? At the rooftop?" he said, walking closer to her.

Lucy looked up at him, her eyes darken. She avoided his gaze, crossing her arms over her chest. She shook her head. "I don't know" she said, turning to him. Peter nodded. He took off his mask and sat on the ground. "What are you doing?" she asked. He smiled and patted the empty space next to him, gesturing her to sit next to him. She scoffed. "You do realize that we're on someone's porch right?" she asked. Peter shrugged.

"No one's home anyways" he said, pointing out the unlit lights and empty garage.

"Okay, well what if they get back?" she asked.

"Then you teleport us out of here" Peter replied. Lucy shook her head.

"Nope" she said, walking away. She could hear Peter standing up from his spot.

"How much does it take for you to open up?" he asked. Lucy stopped. She felt a tug on her wrist. She turned to face a masked Peter. "You can't bottle everything up inside" he said. Lucy avoided his gaze and pursed her lips.

"I'll see you Monday" she smiled, before disappearing from Peter's view.


Throughout the whole weekend, Lucy tried her best to avoid Tony at all cost. It felt like hell, but it wasn't like he's making any effort to talk to her either. She glared at the notebook in front of her. The pages were filled with scribbles and writings.

𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴
1. u̶n̶f̶a̶m̶i̶l̶i̶a̶r̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶p̶o̶w̶e̶r̶s̶
2. anger ???
3. ̷m̷e̷n̷t̷a̷l̷ ̷h̷e̷a̷l̷t̷h̷ ̷?̷

Her incident at Liz's party was enough for her to do her own research. She was both curious and terrified of what she may find out, but at this point, knowledge is power. It was better that she knows what was happening to her so that she can be ready when said thing happens. "Ready for school?" Tony asked, peeking from the door, startling her.

She quickly closed the book and pocketed her pen. "Yeah" she said. "Happy's not here yet" she said, packing her bags in order to avoid his gaze.

"Oh, I told him not to come" Tony said. She snapped her head towards him.

"What?" she asked.

"I thought you should take a day off today. Let's go somewhere, just the two of us. Where do you wanna go?" he smiled. Lucy scoffed, crossing her arms over her shoulders.

"I can't just not go to school. I have a lot of work to catch up if I do" she said. "Besides, I thought I was grounded?" she raised her eyebrows, tilting her head at him. He nodded in realization.

"So that's why you're mad" he said, sitting on her bed.

"No" she spat. "I'm mad because you don't listen to me. You underestimate everything that I do and said and I'm sick of it" she argued. Tony furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, what are we talking about here?" he asked.

"Oh my god" she muttered, shaking her head. She zipped her backpack and slung it over her shoulders.

"Hey, come on. I'm sorry" he said.

"Whatever. Peter's waiting for me" she said, before disappearing from Tony's view. Tony sighed and shook his head as his eyes caught the notebook with the black hard cover sitting on Lucy's desk.


Lucy teleported just in front of Midtown High. She quickly slipped her way through the pool of students to go to the engineering lab. She quickly spotted Peter and walked over to him. She could feel a few stares at her, but she ignored them. "Hey, what's up?" she asked, putting down her backpack.

Peter hammered the outer case which startled her. "Oh, you're here" Peter said, turning to her.

"You can't get through that with a hammer" she said, pushing Peter out of the way. She stood in the middle of both Peter and Ned. She looked around to see students being way too focused on their own projects and the teacher being way too invested in his newspaper.

She hovered her palm on top of the stone. White orbs started to form as the stone shot up to her palm. "Cool" Ned said in awe. She smiled and handed Peter the stone.

"Alright, we need to be careful with it. Those people will go after this and if we have it with us, then they will go after us" she said. "I did a little research and I realized that this came from the Chitauri and it radiates gamma rays" she added.

"What does that mean?" Peter asked.

"That means it's super easy to track" Ned said, cutting Lucy off. Both Lucy and Peter turned to him.

"Exactly" she smiled. "That is why we need to keep it close" she said. Peter nodded, clutching the stone in his palm. She turned to her watch to see the time. "I guess we should get to class" she said, grabbing her backpack.

She walked out of the lab with Peter and Ned by her side. "Can I just say something real quick?" Ned asked. Lucy nodded. "I think that you guys are the coolest-"

"They're here" she said, cutting Ned off. She grabbed both Peter and Ned by the arm as they hid behind a wall. "One of them's the guy from last night" she said, noticing the confused look on Ned's face. She turned to Peter and nodded.

He slowly made his way towards the lab, following the two guys. "Wait! Peter!" Ned said. She held him back.

"He's going to put a tracker on them" she explained. A couple of minutes passed and she could see the two guys leaving the lab, Peter following behind. "You got it?" she asked as he made his way to them.

He smiled and nodded. "Now we just wait" he said. The bell rang as he groaned.
"Well, there goes my homeroom" he added. The hallway was once again filled with students. Lucy chuckled, but stopped as she noticed a platinum blonde hair figure behind Peter.

*cue the dramatic music* lol i wrote this before wandavision... yikes this doesn't age well
ANYWAYS... so sorry for the late update school's killing me, but i promise I'll update a whole lot more during the summer :D

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