Chapter 4

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"S-sir, how should I address you?"

"Just Chan, but call me Chris if we're in the middle of class haha, it's up to you if you'll add Sir, Mr, or just Chris.", he exclaimed. Isn't he too lenient for letting me call him whatever I want?

"Is this your first time tutoring?", I asked blatantly.

"Well, technically yes but actually no.", he answered, that's confusing.

"I mean, I've taught kids before, one of them is that salty Minho. He's a college freshman. He wouldn't have been able to enter if it weren't for me but he wasn't even grateful about it.", he blabbered.

"Salty? How'd you know he's salty? You tasted him?"

"N-no no! What I mean about salty, is that he's a bit mean and annoying. My bad, I shouldn't have assumed you to know slangs, but don't just use it to anyone, okay?", I responded with a nod.

"But you said if it weren't for you, he wouldn't be in college by now? Did you make him enter illegally? Like you paid the scho—"

"N-no! It wasn't like that haha. I meant that, I taught him English, helped him review Mathematics for him to pass the test, the entrance exam."

"Oh.. sorry", I feel bad for assuming things.

"Here's watermelon juice for both of you~ and some cheesecake.", mom. "Call me if you need anything.", she added and then left to the balcony to water the plants.

We thanked her before she left.

"So, I'll explain some conditions for my class.. first, don't feel too bad if you made a mistake because we are here to learn. Second, feel free to ask any questions. Third, treat me like your big bro, if you need help don't be shy to ask me, okay?", I constantly nod whenever he finishes a sentence.

"C-can I ask a question now?", "Sure, go on."

"Are you a psychology graduate?", I looked at him in the eyes as soon as I finished the question, and he was kind of shocked.

"Wow you do really have beautiful eyes.. oh. Yeah.. I.. was?"

I tilted my head and frowned.

"I mean, I am a college student that's majoring in psychology but I took a few semesters off, so I'm here in front of you haha. Why?", he smiled trying to convince me.

"Just.. you look so young.", I stuttered.

"Oh, I heard you'll turn 19 this year.. don't worry we don't have that much age gap haha I'll be 22 this year.", he smiled again.

My eyes widened as I heard him say that he's just 22, well technically 21, he's so young.

"So Minho's 20..", I whispered without even knowing that he heard it.

"Minho? Yeah he's 20 but he'll be 21 this year. What about him?", he uttered while trying to find a paper from his folder.

"Are you interested about him?", he asked and glanced at me.

"N-no! I'm not.", I panicked.

"Haha. Lying. You are.", he grinned and tapped the paper he found in front of me. I am confused, how can he say that I'm lying? I'm not interested. At all.

"Enough chitchats, answer this test first. Don't worry it's just a pre-test so I'll know what I have to prepare, and if you don't know the answer for a number, just leave it blank, okay?"

I nodded and took my pen that was beside me. "If I finish answering, will you tell me about that 'lying' thing?", I blatantly uttered.


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