A soft meow made him look down to see Rashiko pawing on his leg. Gaining the small motivation from the tiny feline, Izuku manages to reach the dinner table without any difficulties whatsoever.

'Fudge you bad balance. I am mighty!' Izuku roared in his head, acting as if he jumped over the Himilayas.

Then his stomach growled.

'...Dang it, I'm being targeted by hunger!' Izuku said, distressed as his cheeks flushed red due to embarrassment.

Then he heard another growl and looked over to see his dad resting on the couch.

"...Inko dear, is the food ready?" Toshinori asked as he got shouts of different languages from his wife.

"I'll go help mom." Izumi said as she walked to the kitchen.

Not ten seconds passed before the two hungry boys heard shouts from Izumi.

"Where the hell did the mouse come from Mom!?"


The two hungry boys turned to see the other two running away from a rat chasing after them. Izumi jumped over the table, grabbing a knife, while Inko jumped on Toshinori, the number one hero yelping in pain.

"Izuku, keep your foot up!" Izumi shouts as Izuku nods. She uses her quirk holding the knife as if it were a crossbow.

"Izumi don't use the utensils to kill the rat!" Inko shouts, not allowing her daughter to use an eating utensil to kill a rat, no matter what the situation says right now.

If villains attacked them, then she would let her do so.

A nasty crunch and the family of four turned to see Rashiko holding the now dead rat in his mouth.

The father groaned in pain as the daughter and mother let out a disgusted noise.

Izuku clapped for Rashiko's first rat kill.

Two months later,

Izuku ducks underneath a punch from his sister, elbowing her sides and forcing her to back off. Unfortunate for her, she left an opening. Fortunate for Izuku, he has one opportunity to let him swing a right hook at Izumi's abused side.

Upon contact, Izumi fell to the floor after spitting out some of her salivae. Izuku did a victory pose while his sister let out a groan.

"So who is winning now, Nii-san?"

"Me and you."

"So it's a tie?"

"Yes," Izuku said as he turned to the bag. He extended his hand, stretching his fingers outwards. Black tendrils shoot out of his hand and latches onto the bottles within the bag itself.

He jerked the tendrils to himself, catching both bottles and then throwing one at his sister. She grabbed the bottle without getting up at all.

So a lot had happened during the two months, many of which were concerned about Izuku.

First thing first, Izuku managed to get to speak.


Although, he could only speak 2 to 3 words at once.

It's still an achievement.

Second, Izuku wants to train to gain his grasp on his quirk. Although everyone sees it as him trying not to hurt anyone with his quirks, his real reason is to get his quirk grasped back, so he can continue to do his vigilante work.

So far, he has regained control of the floating platforms, black rope energy, and the dark misty smoke fog. The senses would take a while to adjust to, and his enhancement quirk was a nuisance to him. No matter what he does, it wouldn't listen to him, only constantly annoys him to no end.

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