Extra 1: Jacknaib

Start from the beginning

The two dash into the forest. Naib quickly shifts into his wolf, easily jumping over the fallen logs and swerving past obstacles, gaining as much distance as he could muster. A loud howl rips through the forest as he could hear the rapid thudding of paws behind him. Shit!

Naib grits his teeth as he continues running through the blazing forest, trees falling left and right covering his path. His agile wolf could easily jump over the logs, however, he isnt the only wolf on the chase. He turns back to see a large black wolf hot on his tracks, its eyes flashing bloody red as he gets closer and closer.

Naib lets out a growl running even faster. He could feel his muscles burn as his body wears down. The fatigue is getting to him, he doesnt know how much longer he can retain this form much longer. Naib stumbles over a log, his body shifting back as he rolls into a nearby boulder.

Naib growls weakly as the large black wolf emerges from the trees, shifting back into the tall noble with a smirk on his lips. Naib struggles as the noble places his hand around his neck, holding him in place. His eyes turn to the scenery behind him.

He could see the village past the remaining rows of trees. The painted cottages now piles of ash and rubble on the ground. The fire still burning down whatevers left, destroying his home. Leaving nothing left of Oletus Village. Naib could feel the tears building in his eyes. Violetta, Yidhra, Ada, Aldith, Robbie, Tracy, Helena, Patricia, Fiona, Eli, AesopIm sorry

Jack watches as tears slowly fall from the forest green eyes, the fiery determination that blazed in his eyes now quenched. Jack could feel his heartache as the omega lets out heart-wrenching sobs.

P-Please J-Just kill me already!

Jack quickly drops the hand around his neck only for the omega to grab his clawed hand to his neck. Jack rips his hand away from Naibs grasp as the omega lets out more broken sobs.

Just kill me! Isnt that what you wanted?! he screams.

Jack could only wrap his arms around Naib, securing the omegas arms behind his back as he tightens his embrace around him. He could feel Naib thrash in his hold until fatigue causes him to cease, head dropping onto Jacks shoulder.

Why Why cant you just kill me Naib sobs into his shoulder. Im useless I failed them Im just a burden

Naib, your not useless, your not a burden, Jack slowly tells him, combing his hand through the omegas brown hair.

The village Its burnt to the ground, Naib lets out a broken chuckle, I was supposed to protect it Yet I failed.

Naib theyre all alright you didnt fail them, Jack tries to convince the latter only for Naib to let out a hysteric guffaw.

They are dead arent they? Violetta, Yidhra, the pups. Theyre dead right? I failed right? Naib sobs, his body trembling in Jacks arms.

Naib there are times where some tragedies are inevitable those who resist must take risks Jack whispers, placing his hand on Naibs tear-stained face.

Then why am I spared? P-Please Jack Kill me-

Naibs sentence was cut short as he falls into the noble's embrace unconscious.

Im sorry, My Dear, but Im too selfish to grant your wishes, Jack mutters as he lifts his finger off the pressure point.

He carries the omega in his arms, rising from the dirt and heading towards the carriage. Jack takes a look at Naibs tear-stained face, his heart-wrenching at the omegas pitiful state. Guilt arises deep within him knowing very well he agreed to this endeavor, to create this chaos and destruction. Im so sorry, Naib

Naib stirs in his sleep, his forest-green eyes blinking open as they adjust to the dim lighting. Where am I? He wonders. His eyes scan across the room. Dark stone walls, torches... Soiree Manor?

Naib tries to lift his hand only to realize a weight resting atop his hand. He looks down to see a man sleeping, his large hand atop of his own. The man had slightly messy short, grey hair and pale skin. His features are breath-taking.

The other male slowly opens his eyes, midnight black eyes meeting with his forest green ones. The man immediately engulfs Naib in a hug.

Naib, Im glad your alright, the male speaks in a baritone voice.


Yes, its me, My Dear Jack replies placing a kiss on his forehead.

J-Jack? W-Why am I still here? Naib mutters with a shaky voice, frustrated tears beginning to form in his eyes. Hes still alive, why?

Naib, look at me, the noble starts, grabbing the omegas chin in his hand and tilting his head to face him. Naib, stop blaming yourself. You wouldnt have been able to rescue them.

But I could, Jack! Yet I let their lives slip away so easily, Naib grits his teeth.

Listen to me, Naib. Would Yidhra and Violetta want you to do this to yourself? Would they want to see you give up just like that? Jack scolds him, the latter immediately silenced. The sobs reduced to sniffles as Naib looks away.

Naib, I love you. I dont want to see you disappear forever. Nor would Violetta or Yidhra. So please, continue to live. For me For them Jack gently continues, wrapping the trembling omega in a warm embrace.

Naib says nothing as he tries to calm himself down. Leaning into the nobles embrace, he lets out a shaky sigh as he nods into the nobles chest.

Jack smiles as he holds the omega tight, Thank you, Naib.


i hope your questions are answered on what happened to jack and why he became jack

(Edited: Vote for the final ship to appear in the extras~~
Close call for michilena and haseli, but haseli wins by one vote~)

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