Chapter 9

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Aesop stirs awake. He slowly opens his eyes, flinching at the bright light that shone from the candle by his bedside. Where am I?

The air smells sterile, the smell of chemicals mixed with antiseptic very strong in his senses. A clinic?

He sits up, head throbbing in pain as he struggles to lean against the metal headboard. The walls are painted white with a single painting hangs opposite his bed. A single vase filled with tulips sits on a small table beside the white wooden door.

Aesop tries to lift his hand only to notice another smaller one holding onto it, the owner fast asleep with her head lying on her arm. Aesop gently caresses the young girl's blonde locks making her stir in her sleep.

The girl yawns, stretching her arms. A sleepy expression on her face until she notices who woke her up. Her eyes glimmer as she throws her arms around Aesop's neck.

"You're awake!"

"Yes, I'm awake now get off of me, Tracy. My neck hurts." Aesop teases the young omega, slightly wincing from the pain in his neck.

"Aesop! You won't believe what happened at the market! I met Burke Lapadura!"

Aesop smiles Burke Lapadura is a renowned inventor famous for his brilliant robotic inventions and Tracy's lifelong role model and idol.

"And you know what? He loved the robot I made and wanted me to be his apprentice! Can you believe that, Aesop? He liked my robot!" She squealed.

Aesop winces at her high pitched screams but smiled nonetheless. He knows how much effort and hard work Tracy dedicated to the robot and she deserves the joy.

A gentle knock resounds from behind the door and a woman Aesop recognizes as Emily Dyer steps into the room with a metal tray.

"Good to see that you're alright Aesop. It was quite a shock to see you lying in your stall surrounded by blood. I'm going to just take a look at your vitals and you are free to go."

Aesop nods as the doctor uses a thermometer to check his temperature. She hums at the results, which Aesop assumes is a good thing. She then takes the stethoscope from the tray and puts the buds in her ear. She gestures for Aesop to lift his black clothing and places the cold metal above Aesop's heart. Aesop winces at the cold metal against his chest, but keeps calm and waits for Emily to finish her check-up. Emily smiles and takes off the stethoscope.

"Your vitals are fine, you are free to leave."

"Thank you, Emily. How much should I pay for you?"

"No need. You didn't require any medication anyway and the check-up is on me."

"Thanks again, Emily."

"No worries. The rest of your pack should be at the tavern by now considering the sun is already down. I'll take my leave. Be careful." She says as she steps out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Aesop carefully pushes himself off the hospital bed, Tracy holding on to his arm as he regains his balance. He slips on the black dress shoes and walks out of the room, Tracy following behind him.

The two steps out of the building, Aesop turns back to take a good look at it. The brick walls are painted an elegant blue and the doors and windows painted white. A simple sign hangs above the double doors. 'Dyer Clinic'

A cold gust of wind blows past Aesop, ruffling the red vest he wore to cover his frail figure. He shivers being reminded of the state of the town around him. The night is dark with candle lanterns lighting up the path. The moon and the stars shining brightly above them as the cold winds continue to blow and bite at his skin.

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