Chapter 15

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Aesop stares blankly out of the tinted glass, the rain tapping against the cool surface. The dark cloudy skies overshadowing the once bright meadows. He watches as raindrops race down the window, shattering as they hit the windowsill.

It's been weeks. Weeks since that treacherous night. Weeks since his village burnt down. Weeks since he last saw his pack. Weeks since he last saw the alpha who used him.

Weeks since the little pup started growing in his belly.

He remembers the day he knew of his pregnancy. Morning after morning he'd keep on vomiting. He'd grow paler and paler as the days go by. He thought he was dying, perhaps poisoned. But something in him told him that that wasn't it. A though of maybe just maybe, it was something else. Then on that day, he realized. Could it be?

The omega that would come to take care of him later on confirmed his suspicions. He was with another. A living being is growing inside of him.

A surge of fear and anxiety came over him as his eyes welled up with tears. He can't possibly be pregnant. He wasn't ready. He wasn't ready to raise a pup. He was scared. But deep inside him, he knew that even through all this. This was his child and he was going to raise them and care for them like any other parent and give them the life they deserve.

That day he begged the other to keep it a secret. If anyone were to tell the alpha of his pregnancy it would be himself.

He gently caressed the little lump, the warmth of his hand seeping through the thin material of the nightgown. He hums a little lullaby, one Violetta always sang to him as a pup. The soothing melody filling the large bedroom, the melody filled with nostalgia and melancholy.

He raises his other hand to touch at the large bite mark that scarred his neck. He remembers the searing pain as the sharp teeth sank into his skin. The feeling of immense pain mixed with painful helplessness as he lied in his blood and slick. The omega in him howled begging to bite back, sealing the mating bond, yet he couldn't. Not like this. Not when his heart ached.

Yet through it all, he still yearned for him. He still yearns for his alpha.

Every day he'd wait by the large birch door, waiting for the familiar silver-haired male to walk through. He remembers waking up to the large room. Mind still dazed as he peels the silk covers off of his body. No trace of the scent of citrus and sandalwood. He awaits that morning, emotions all mixed up and his heart heavy. All he wants is just to talk to him. Settle things down. And yet he didn't show up. He never did. And slowly Aesop's patience begins to waver.

A knock on the door interrupts the calm silence.

"Come in."

A young omega with curly red hair enters the room. A silver tray with some soup and bread balanced perfectly on one hand. A bright smile on his face.

"Aesop, I brought you breakfast!"

Aesop says nothing as he watches the latter place the food onto the birch desk at the corner of the room. The young omega takes a seat next to him, a gentle smile across his face as he eyes Aesop's belly.

"May I?"

Aesop nods with a small smile as the other omega places his hand on his belly, gently rubbing small circles.

"How are they?"

"They're fine," Aesop says with a small smile.

"No complications?"


Placing his hand over the latter's, he lets out a sigh as he turns his gaze to stare into the bright blue eyes.

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