Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful day on September 1st. Seventeen year old Albus Potter was hugging his parents and brother goodbye before climbing aboard the Hogwarts express with his boyfriend, Scorpius Malfoy. They separated once they were on the train since Scorpius was having a meeting with the prefects and head girl now that he was the head boy. Albus took a seat in an empty compartment where he waited.

"Can I join you or are the seats taken by your invisible friends?"

Albus's head snapped and found Polly Chapman by the door. A Gryffindor in his year who went from bullying him to avoiding him to talking to him after she started dating his cousin.

"Feel free", Albus said and offered his opposite seat.

Polly took the seat and smiled at him in a friendly way. "Had a good summer?" she asked.

"Very", Albus said. "I went to Norway with Scorpius and his dad. His grandmother lives there for the moment so we went to visit her."

"Did you learn any norwegian words?"

"They call Quidditch Rumpeldunk", Albus said feeling proud that he finally managed to pronounce it correctly. "But some people seemed to speak swedish or danish and it's hard to tell the language difference."

"They all sound pretty much the same yeah", Polly agreed. "Anyway. How are the two of you doing?"

"I love him. He loves me. No one is cheating or hiding anything from the other. And everything is perfectly fine. Except for the one time his dad caught us in bed. But enough for me. How's you and Rose?"

"Perfectly fine as well."

"Not to be nosy or anything", Albus said. "But what are you two doing most of the time? I mean since Rose is... you know."

"We kiss, we cuddle and we hold hands. We usually share our beds but we never go further. Otherwise we're not too different from you and Scorpius."

"But what's it like for you? Don't you ever get the needs?"

"If I had a problem with Rose's sexuality I wouldn't be dating her. Besides. There's always a way to pleasure myself. I bet you and Scorpius had your nonsexual phase too."

"Three months yeah. But still. It's not really the same thing. We just waited for the perfect moment."

"Perfect moment to what?" Scorpius's voice was heard. He and Rose were standing by the compartment door and his face told that he seemed to know what they were talking about.

"Speak of the devil", Polly said as Rose and Scorpius were taking their seats beside their partners.

"Hello there, head boy", Albus greeted his boyfriend who kissed him in response.

"Hey, sweetie", Polly greeted Rose and pecked her lips.

"What have you been up to when we were gone?" Rose asked with a smirk. "Talking behind our backs?"

"All good things", Polly told her.

"Oh! I forgot to mention something", Scorpius said. "Since I'm head boy I get to have my own room and I was thinking. If you don't feel like sleeping in your dorm then maybe you and I can share it?"

"I would love to", Albus said thinking of the freedom they'd have.

"That means you get your own room as well, right?" Polly asked Rose.

"Um. Yeah. That's right."

"Maybe we could share it?"

"Yeah. Sure", Rose said and kissed her girlfriend.

"The good thing is that now we can't use the get a room phrase on each other anymore", Albus said. "Now we have them."

"Yeah. Next time I see you two snogging in public I'll just say go to your room", Polly said.

They arrived at the Hogsmeade station and the four of them shared a carriage to the castle. They watched the sorting ceremony for their last time and clapped for each student joining their house. Albus could still remember when he was there. The silence when he was sorted into Slytherin. How everyone judged him except for Scorpius who offered him the empty seat next to him. Therefor it was very important to him that everyone felt they were welcome.

After the feast it was time to see Scorpius's room. The boys walked hand in hand to the common room and made their way to the room. It looked just like dorms except there was only one bed, once drawer and a lot more space. They also had their own bathroom.

"This is amazing", Albus said and hugged his boyfriend.

"I think this could be good for both of us", Scorpius said. "Incase we're planning on living together in the future this might be a good start."

"I love you, Scorpius."

"And I love you", Scorpius said and rubbed his nose against Albus's.

* * * * *

The morning came and lit up the Rowle manor, or Lestrange manor as Delphi decided to call it once she took over the house after the Rowles died. She was living with her fiancé, Dominique Weasley whom she'd been dating for two years.

She woke up early in the morning and decided to make breakfast for Dom, although her fiancé got up a little bit earlier then she expected. Delphi looked at her and couldn't help but smile.

"I was supposed to surprise you in bed", she said.

"How romantic of you", Dom said and hugged her from behind and she was the perfect height to kiss the top of her head. "But I got lonely."

Once breakfast was ready they took their seats.

"When is your course starting again?" Dom asked.

"Next week", Delphi told her. After applying to several schools she had finally been accepted to a three year education that most Hogwarts professors went to. "I'm still surprised they didn't reject me."

"I'm not", Dom said. "They're giving you a chance instead of judging you from who you used to be."

"Just hope I can get a job once I'm done. It won't be easy."

"Have you thought of anything?"

"I'd like to teach Defense against the Dark arts. Transfiguration wouldn't be bad either but I doubt that Hogwarts will hire me."

"I think that depends on who's the headmaster by then. Although we never know about McGonagall."

"Like she'd ever hire one of her students' murderer."

"Hey", Dom said and gently took her hand. "Let's not think about that part. Okay?"

"It's not that simple."

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