meeting jax.

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Aella changes into beige sweats and a white...short shirt?

Crop top? I'm not sure, she looks pretty though.

Aella and I walk downstairs to the mansion's actual living room. I see a woman sleeping on the couch, cuddling into a soft-looking blanket.

"Let's go to the kitchen," she says and she leads me into the kitchen. "Go open the fridge?" She says jokingly and I chuckle while opening it.

My eyes almost fall out of my head at the amount of food in there. "That's not even the best part," she whispers before closing the door and pressing a small button.

Her fridge has a fridge.

"Why do you have so much food?" I ask her and she scoffs. "Didn't you see the fatass sleeping on the couch?" She asks rhetorically and I look around. I hear Aella squeal and I look at a guy picking her up.

I growl before taking my mate from his arms. "What the hell is your problem?" He asks me and I glare at him.

"What's yours?"

He scoffs, "Whatever, I'm Jax-"

Jax? Fucking Jax.

"-Aella's brother," he says and I open my mouth in shock. "So let me ask again, "What the hell is your problem?" He asks, crossing his arms. I clear my throat, "I'm Aella's mate," I tell him and for a second he was quiet, the next second he bursts out laughing.

Aella glares at him, "Shut up whore," she sneers and he wipes his fake tears. "I never even thought you'd get a mate, is that why Jonathan was cleaning your room? You fucking slob," he says and I hold myself back from punching him.

'How dare he talk to our mate like that!' My wolf tells me.

He looks at me, "Do I call you Luna now?" He asks before laughing again. Aella knees him in the stomach causing him to groan before falling on the floor. I stood in front of him.

"Don't call me Luna."

Aella takes my hand and she presses a kiss on the back of it. "Let's go to my office," she coos we walk away from her brother.

"Isn't he a pain in the ass?" She asks me before opening a door. Her office was beautiful, she has a black leather desk chair, and the entire back wall was made of glass; you could see the back yard.

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