The bell rang, and Billie stood up with her friends, a smile on her face because she was happy that the last class of the day was finally over. She slipped her notebook into her bag and made her way out of the classroom, filing out behind other students to bug her.

"Drew, you want to hang out a bit before I have to head to work?" she asked as she walked with Drew and Prince towards the door, "Like get ice cream or something?"

"I wish I could, but I have to run an errand for my dad."

"Prince? You want... to..."

She subsequently froze, her brows rising in surprise.

Because there, leaning on the lockers across from the classroom door was Brandon, arms crossed in front on his chest and a brow raised in amusement.

"I'm surprised you didn't try to run after school." Brandon said, a playful smile tugging on his lips. "I thought you'd make the chase a bit harder, Billie."

Shit. She had completely forgotten how easily he tended to corner her if he so chose. A spark of fear ran down her back-fear and something else that made her tingle in excitement-and she took a giant step back, only to bump into Drew and Prince who were flanking her on both sides, clearly keeping her from escaping. They had planned this.

"What the hell!" she said in surprise, when she realised she was actually trapped, "You traitors."

"Billie, just let it happen" Drew said, "Stop being so scared."

And her cheeks erupted in a blush when Brandon pushed off the lockers and approached her. She felt her pulse race impossibly fast.

"Drew this isn't funny" She stammered, eyes wide as she spun around to face the two of them.

"It's just a kiss Billie" Prince rolled his eyes. "I mean shit. You're acting like you're about to lose a limb."

There was a small crowd gathering around the area now, wondering what the spectacle with the pregnant girl and Brandon was. Not only that, since everyone was done with classes for the day, the students walking by had begun to grow larger.

"Billie" Brandon said behind her.

And Billie closed her eyes, feeling her flush start crawling up her neck. Why was she so scared of a simple kiss? She liked him and he liked her. And it wasn't like it was her first kiss with him (though it was the first she would remember well) But damn, she was scared.

"Can't you just reschedule Kane?" she said somewhat playfully, staring at Drew's necklace to give her something to keep her mind off of the fact that she couldn't run.

"So you could leave the country?" he snorted, gently taking hold of her wrist. Goosebumps erupted up her arm at the feather light touch. "I don't think so."

"It's just a kiss Billie" Drew said, an encouraging smile on her face. "And you've been fantasizing about this for two weeks."

"I have not!"

"Yeah you have." Prince drawled. You can see it in your face. Not to mention all the things you told me about your-"

She snapped her gaze to his, shooting him a ferocious glare that had him shutting his mouth quickly.

Brandon tugged on her wrist, tugging her around so she was facing him and she immediately dropped her gaze to the floor, resolutely staring at a crack in the tiles. Brandon chuckled, stepping closer to her and he took her hand, intertwining their fingers together.

"Does it really bother you that much?" he asked softly, lifting her chin up so her gaze was on him.

Billie's pulse immediately skyrocketed, and she let out a long breath, trying to find it in herself to calm down.

Billie and Brandon: Unpredictable CircumstancesWhere stories live. Discover now