"Don't think I'm feeling sorry for you".
" I adore you. I adore you, sweetheart. I don't care if you don't have another child for me, or if my family doesn't like you. I'm not interested in those olives." I simply love you." He stated

He wiped my tears away and looked at my lips. I smiled and kissed him all over his face. He chuckled.
"Will you stop crying now, my little baby?" "I am not your little baby," I replied sassily, rising from his lap.

"you are"

"I am not."

" Yeah, yeah," he smirked.

"Ah, whatever." I said as I walked to the door. Maybe he really doesn't want to adopt one. I keep thinking
"Okay, I am going." "Go back to your work," I said, walking to the door.

Perhaps he does not want to think about it again and again. I'm not going to bother him again.
When he said,

"I assumed you'd come to ask me a question, miss."

"Well, yes, no, never mind," I mumbled.
turning around to flee.

"Yes, baby," he smiled.

I swung around. "Excuse me," I said, puzzled.

"Yes, we can adopt."

I rush up to him, smiling, and give him a bear hug, kissing him all over. That's something I do whenever I'm excited or happy.
He chucked

"I love you, and we're going to the adoption agency tomorrow," I said, sprinting to tell Xavier he was going to have a little sister.

"I love you, husband," I exclaimed as I ran up the stairs.

"Be careful, honey," he warned. I can hear him laughing.

I was about to tell Xavier that his father had approved, but I'm going to surprise him tomorrow. Tonight I can't sleep. I'm ecstatic. Let me just make dinner.
My husband and I went to the adoption agency. I look at those lovely children. I want to take them all. I wish.

The children were happily playing with their friends as I looked around. That made me smile, and I looked at my husband, who was also smiling. I surprised him by kissing his cheeks.

"What?" I asked, hugging his arm.

"Oh, nothing," he said, kissing my eyes. I laughed.

We finally met the lady, exchanged greetings, and asked her to show us around. I saw a lot of lovely children. I noticed a lonely little girl sitting and playing with her doll while walking. She reminds me of my baby, Lex.

She, like Lex, had long black hair, but this little girl's hair was curly. She has big brown eyes that are always looking around. It's adorable. I directed my husband's attention to her.

He did.

He just stood there staring.

I understand what he is thinking. I know she resembles her—not exactly, but close. They are both lovely in their own way.

The innocent little girl.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora