I dunno weird crap.

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Me: Hey Ed!

Ed: What?

Me: I made waffles!

Ed" Whaz a waffle?

Me: Silly they are perfection. *puts butter on waffle and hands it to Ed*

Ed:*takes bite* It's delicous! * Rainbows come out of his butt and he flies away*

Me: I've never seen that reaction before.


Roy: Welcome to standing up school.

Ed:*falls over*

Roy: You failed.

Ed: What!?!

Roy: I could hardly see you your so short anyways.

Ed: Who you callin short? *Runs at Roy with automail as a blade*

Roy: I get to do what you do to me * Throws Ed to the ground* and in this case I could do that.

Ed: *Wiggles on the ground* Hey!!!!!!!!

Roy:* puts foot on Ed's stomach* Today we have conquered another person!

Rest of class cheers

Winry:* Throws wrench at Ed* You better turn your automail back now!

Ed: Why is everyone so mean to me?

Me:* Walks over to Ed and starts petting his head* It's okay.

Ed: Winry please knock me out.

RandomPerson1: What counts as a weapon of mass destruction?

RP2: A wrench.

Winry: Don't tell them...

Me: I'm pretty sure that was a joke.

Winry: I'm not taking chances. *Runs away*

RP1&2: Are you talking to fictional characters again?

Me: They are real!* Runs after Winry*

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