Chapter VI

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Everything was so embarrassing...

I have been avoiding him and him with me too. The reason behind our small I avoid you happened since the day at the restaurant. Why?

Here I go!


I was so close to falling with him. We were in a classy romance movie scene. I fall on top of him and he falls with me too but ends up with being in the bottom.

But that didn't happen. He caught me and we were both stabilized. Everything was fine. I just accept the fact that I was in the arms of my enemy.

My mother on the other hand... just has to turn up and take a picture of us in this awkward position. She took a picture of us from my back, so it looked like he was holding me passionately while looking down at me lovingly but in real life, he was just shocked and held me as a reflex.

Nothing special happened between us but because my mom caught us, we haven't been able to talk properly to each other.

There's nothing else but an awkward atmosphere hanging around us wherever and whenever we are near each other.

On top of all this, I haven't been able to ask Hyun Jae where she had been (referencing to the day we saw her), because whenever I want to, I just get reminded of my little incident with MR. Jerk.

Other than these small events nothing specific happened.

So yeah... now you know why we are awkward with each other.

The worst about our situation now is that we still have a project ongoing that is depending on us both working on it. So as you can see... we are pretty doomed.

If we don't hurry up and do something, we may get our teacher disappointed.

It's just hard to do it together when we both are having this awkward atmosphere around us by reminders of the incident.

"Y/n" he called me...

I'm home now and he's at my house. My mom called him over for dinner and since she wanted us to know each other better, she told him to come to my room.

"Don't you think we should stop this and get started with the project. Have you at least been thinking of a topic yet?"

I'm honestly shocked by him as he's the one bringing it up and not me.

"No, I haven't. I don't know what you want to write about?" I'm answering him honestly and hoping for a solution by his I don't know the brain. He must have something in his brain that can be used. Otherwise, how come he gets such high grades every time?

"Think with your non-existing brain and I will do the same with mine. Let's come with an idea within this hour" he said by discriminating my beautiful good brain. I didn't say anything to him and just began thinking of an idea and he did the same.

After an hour, we both came up with an idea close to each other. The idea got to be about arranged marriages within the business world.

This is something we both can relate to and we are both involved in it. Hopefully, the others won't be able to realize it's about us or related to us.

"Let's just work on this together after we have eaten dinner," I told him as I left my room and went downstairs.

When I went into the kitchen, my mom was shocked to see me standing behind her since she didn't hear me walk down the stairs. She didn't ask me why I wasn't upstairs with him, but she rather pushed me to the side and approached him.

She told him to sit down and eat, just as my dad came and seated himself. I got left alone in the kitchen, meanwhile, my family was seated around the dining table.

"Y/n, bring the soup with you when you are coming here!" My mom yelled to me as I stood there dumbfounded.

For Jeonghan's case, he was sitting all quiet in his seat smirking at me being a peasant in my own house. 

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