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"Luka! What are you doing?!"

"Ensuring that you're mine. The only people left is me and Kagami. That sorry excuse for a secret keeper, Nathaniel, and the plan ruin-er, Chloe, have made our job much harder."

"What even IS your job?! Kidnapping me?! I don't love you anymore, Luka! I love Adrien and he loves me! I don't care if Kagami loves adrien or my butt! Just leave us alone and let me get married to the man I love!" Luka looked surprised, then smirked.

"Sorry, love. My job is not kidnapping you. My job is making sure you never marry that....that..."

"That man I love. That man who has higher praise from me than you do. That man who deserves the world and more. You, you are not that man."

"If you want to get back to your 'prince in shining armor', you need to do what I say."

"And why do I need that if I can get up and walk out, hmm?!"

"I thought of that, and so I made it so you can't."

"Where am I?" I demanded.


word count: 175

I'm so sorry it's so short, but I'm trying to get all my chores done and write this. I might not be on for a while. But I love yawl!

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