Lucy Black

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As soon as she walked in everybody's eyes went to her. All the boys wanted her to be theirs. All the girls were jealous of her. She had long raven black hair that went down her back. Her russet skin was smooth with no sign of acne. Bright green eyes that light up at certain things. To top it all off she had a beautiful straight smile. That was made up of white teeth. She was the youngest daughter of Billy Black. She was a twin to Jacob Black. Jacob was born a couple minutes before her. And her name was Lucy Black.

To Lucy there was a lot wrong with her. Her nose was to big for her face. Her lips were too thin. She had bigger feet then most girls. Her arms and leg were too  long. Her lashes were small and barley there. She's nice until you push her buttons then she has a bad temper. She loved having her nose in a book. She wasn't really into guys except for one.

The La Push bad boy. The play boy and that was Paul Lahote. She knew that he was bad for her but she didn't care. He was like a drug to her. She always wanting him. And she would keep wanting him.

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