meeting of the future

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I played with the hem of my shirt as I walked to Sam and Emily's house. I wore a white shirt that made my hair and skin look darker with dark washed jeans. Instead of my sneakers  I wore black flats. I took a deep breath as I went inside. I knew that he was going to be there.

The first thing I noticed when I walked in was that everybody but Sam and Leah were sitting at the table.

"Hey Lucy!" Emily got up and brought me in for a hug. "Leah's in the kitchen if you want to talk to her. Sam will be down in a little bit."

"Ok thanks." I knew she told me that so I wouldn't have to be around Paul. I also knew that he was looking at me. I avoided it and went into the kitchen to see leah.

"Hi Lucy!"

"Hi Leah." She came over and hugged me. Her temperature was as high as the boys.

"What are you doing here?" I could tell that she wanted to ask about Paul but she didn't. Witch I was thankful for.

"Waiting for Sam." She raised an eyebrow in question. "I'm meeting with the Cullens today." Everything went silent. You could hear a pin drop. I've never heard this house so quite.

One moment nobody was next to me. The next moment Paul stood there. "Your going to meet the Cullens?" He asked through cleanced teeth. He was shaking. A couple weeks ago I would be trying to calm him down but that wasn't my job anymore. 

"Yes. What is it to you?" I asked locking eyes with him.

"You can't go." He growled out.

"You don't control me. Plus we're not together anymore. Rember?" His eyes soften but mine stayed hard.

"Please Lucy? Please don't do this." He practical begged me. I felt my heart break a little. Why did he have to do this today? I clinced my eyes shut.

"Knock it off!" Leah snapped at him.

"Stay out of it!" He yelled back.  I opened my eyes. Leah stood in front of me.

"Paul run it off." Sam's voice commanded.

"Are you ok?" Leah turned and asked me. I let out a shaky breath.

"I'm ok. Thanks Leah."

"Are you sure you want to go?" Sam asked. I held my head high as I told him yes.

The meeting place was a clearing in no man's land. When we got there the Cullens were already there. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I plastered a smile on as we got closer.

"Hello, Mr. Cullen." I reached my hand out. He grabbed it and we shook hands. His hands were ice cold.

"Please call me Carslie. It is an honor to meet you Lucy Black."

"It's an honor to meet you as well." I told him as I glance behind him to see two others. "Where are my manners? These are my son's Emmett and Jasper."

"Nice to meet you both as well." They both nodded their head in hello.

"First thing first. I must apologize for Paul. He didn't need to do that. We understand that it was an accident."

"Thank you, but I'm guessing you are here to talk about bella?"

"You are correct. I heard that she wants to change after graduation is that correct?"

"That is correct."

"I see. I hate to say this but if you do change her here it is going to create some problems for us. I'm sure you know if you bite her that is the end of the treaty and there will be a war. I don't want that."

"For sure. To avoid a fight or a war before we change her we are going to move." I let out a breath that I had been holding.

"If you don't mind me asking will you be returning?" He looked back at the other two.

"No I do belive we have had enough of forks for the reat of our life. "

"Would you mind sign another treaty?"

"No we would not mind at all."

"Perfect! Well it was an honor to meet you. Thank you for coming and meeting with me today. I will write up some papers and once they are done we can meet to sign them."

"Sounds good. It was nice to meet you Lucy." With that they were gone. I felt a sense of pride in myself. My tribe would no longer have to worry about vampires and turning.

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