hurt and broken

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I stomped into the house. My dad asking me  what was wrong. I knew I wouldn't be able to get any words out so I just went to my bed room. I slammed the door shut. I couldn't belive it. I sat on the edge of my bed pulling at my hair crying. Why would he do this? Was I too clingy? Was this all my fault? Anger consumed me. No it was not my fault. Not even a little bit!

I got up and went to my drawers where a lot of my clothing were. I started threw his things on the floor. I wanted them out if here. I threw shirts on the floor. My hands grabbed one of his black shirts. It smelled like him. I sat back on my bed. I layed down as I cried. It hurt so much.

A knock came too the door. I didn't even look up. I was wrapped in a warm hug. "I'm so sorry sis." I cried in his chest getting his shirt all wet.

"It hurts jake." He rocked me  back a forth. It was much longer that I passed out from  exhaustion. I felt like I was little again because when I woke up the next morning Jake was still in my bed. I had a pounding headache. I wanted to  wallow in self pitty  in my bed but I knew that my dad needed me. I went and started breakfast. I was done with it when my dad rolled him self over. I sat a plate in front of him.

"How are you doing Luc?"

"Not well." The next day was hard but not as hard as the first day. I closed the dishwasher and started it when Jake busted through the door.

"Lucy we need to talk."

"Ok let's go sit on the porch." I sat in one of the lawn chairs as Jake took the other one.

"What's up jake?"

"So we were chasing Victoria us on our side the Cullens on their side.  So the big one came on to our territory.  So of course Paul went after him. No body was hurt. But I just thought you should know." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Thanks for letting me know jake."
The next day I sat in the same spot. A heavy blanket layed on my legs to keep me warm. I held a book in my hand. Tears streamed down my face as one of my charters died. I felt like throwing my book but I didn't. I wiped the tears away. I looked up from my book to see Sam walking towards me.

"Hey lucy."

"Hi Sam how's it going?"

"It's going. I just wanted to see if you want to reschedule the meeting. I know about Paul so that's why I'm asking. I'm sure they would understand." He spoke softly like I was a step away from breaking down.

"No. I'm fine. I'll be at your house tommorw morning so that we can go together."

"Are you sure Lucy?"


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