How to evade Mrs Weasley

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Sorry for that picture, I have nothing. This might be the last part of the story, but I'll probably dream something else up that I can add on. Enjoy

Fred's POV

"Well." Fred thought.

"That could have gone LOADS better. At least there was no way mum could have seen Hermione. "

Fred slid into some jeans, before giving Hermione an unopened box of sugar quills in a bag. His wife nodded at him, before she turned on her heel and disappeared.

Fred pulled on a shirt that was hung weakly in his wardrobe. Time to face his mum.

He turned the door handle and poked his head out. He could hear someone whispering. He stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him.

He trudged up the hallway, and came face to face with his whole family, bar Georgie.

Molly looked mortified. Arthur looked pale. Bill and Charlie looked like they were holding in uncharacteristic giggles. Percy looked disappointed,as always. Ron had turned a lovely shade of puce. Ginny and Harry looked bewildered. It was HILARIOUS.

"Hi mum, dad, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Ron, Ginny, Harry. Whatcha doin here?" He greeted.

"We were looking for Hermione, Fred. Have you seen her?" Charlie managed to giggle.

"No, sorry. Mum did interrupt my morning with a pretty little brunette though. Nevermind, she'll be back."

"O-okay, bye now F-f-fred." Whispered Molly, who greatly resembled a sheet of paper.

" I think she said last night that she needed more sugar quills, maybe she left early to get them. Lines are huge this time year, and tiny-Mione loves her stationary. Especially if it's edible."

"Thankyou Fred." Molly said, before she staggered through the fireplace.

Hermione's POV

Hermione had everything planned meticulously incase something like that ever happened.

Someone always left paper around downstairs. So she picked up a piece on an obscure looking bench in the back kitchen. She recognised her husband's handwriting, so she vanished it and magicked a new note on the page, explaining that she'd gone early morning sugar quill shopping.

They were hard to get this time if year. She went upstairs and changed into casual clothes, after she vanished Fred's shirt.

There would be no evidence.

She walked back down the stairs and snapped one of the quills in half, before sucking on the end. This would make it look like she'd been sitting there for a while.

She waited.

And then the familiar woosh of a fire was heard, and Mrs Weasley stepped around the corner.

Welp. Not very much writing. I already have ideas for a Charmione fanfiction, and one with Percy Jackson and Hermione.
Don't hate me
I just love pairing people with Hermione.
I also have an idea for a George and Hermione fanfiction.
Again. Don't hate me.
All my love in these tough times(unless you're a West Aussie like me)

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