Mollys Meddling

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Molly had had enough. Her son and future daughter in law had been on their 'trip for far too long, almost three months. It was ridiculous! How was Hermione going to marry Ron if they lived an ocean away? She wasn't,  and it was her job to remedy that.

The full weight of how many people have read this just hit me. Sorry to interrupt, but I want to say thank you.

Arthur had arranged an international port key for her, and she was not about to waste that opportunity. It left at precisely seven pm. She would go to America, pull that blasted girl and her son back, and plan a wedding.

Oh, what adorable grand babies she would have. Bill and Fleur seemed to be in no rush to start, and none of her other children were married, so maybe Hermione would provide, as was her duty as a Weasley.

As 7 began to loom on the horizon, Molly started to wonder whether she had truly thought it through. How would she find the girl? Arthur said the portkey would drop her off in Americas capital city, where ever that was, she had  no time for geography.

Oh well, she would figure it out.

Fred had actually managed to hold down his teaching job, instead choosing to teach chemistry, which Hermione helped him learn the night before he had to teach it. The chemistry teacher retired after the sudden death of her cat, Beefy. She was a  very old woman after all. He was filling in until the school could find a permanent replacement.

It seemed to be a passion of his  and he wondered why he had never seriously considered it. Of course he had the joke shop, and his reputation, and the fact that he was a wizard, and loathed the idea of teaching magical children about anything other than jokes.

But the muggle kids were great. Nothing exploded, they put things in other things to make another thing. Hermione had developed a spell for him, so he could soak up the science and retain it easily. He learnt the periodic table after looking at it twice.

He was never more thankful for his wife than he was when she helped him realise his passion for muggle teaching. Apparently the principal was seriously considering him for a permanent position.

He had decided  that he would tell his family of his choice to move to America to continue teaching muggles, meaning he would also have to reveal his relationship with Hermione. Not that it wouldn't be obvious when they came back and she was six months pregnant.

He could feel that his mother had some sort of plan, most likely trying to get to Hermione before the week was up. She wouldn't, because neither he nor his wife had told her or anyone else where they would be staying. Only Georgie.

They were leaving very early Saturday morning their time to arrive late at night in England, as all forms of magical travel over that big a distance were too much for the baby.

He also knew that he would have to ask George for the key to his bank vault. He had given it to his brother to keep himself from draining it on stupid things when he was 18 and couldn't handle his money. But he knew he needed it for a house, it was getting awkward living with his father-in-law and brother-in-law, and occasionally Rachel or Rebecca when they would come by.

On his Friday lunch break, the Pricipal came into the chemistry classroom Fred was in.

"Sir! Was there something you needed?" He asked.

"Yes, Fred, there is. I have been unable to find anyone more suitable for this position than you. Congratulations, son." And with that, the principal clapped him on the shoulder and left.

Fred stood there, slack-jawed. He had just been given the job. Permanently. It was one of the best days of his life, a saviour he didn't know he needed. He had been hoping, praying to Merlin that he would be considered, and he was.

He sped through the rest of his day, only a grade 10 class, and a grade 11 class to end his day. When school finished, he rushed home to his wife, finding her on the couch. He knelt down in front of her, grabbing her hands.

"Hermione, we need to talk."

"You're gay? No, don't tell me, you've found someone else? Oh! You're actually George, no, I would have figured it out by now. Um..... you..... killed someone! No. Hmmmm... I give up."

He smiled at her antics.

"No, love. I got the job."

"Oh, you got the job, that's more boring than I expected. " He waited for it to sink in.

"OH MY GOD YOU GOT THE JOB!" She shouted, struggling off of the couch to hug him.

"What job?" The two of them whipped around to face the voice.
George was starting to get sort of worried. Fred hadn't sent any letters for two months. Maybe he was dead. Or seriously injured. At least Hermione had given him the address. He'd just pop over and check on his twin.

Between his busy work/sex life, he'd had a lot of time to put in a request for a legal portkey creation license, so he created one and set off on his way.

He grabbed his coat from behind the door and ran over to where he'd set down the fake glass grape, ( he found that smaller items raised less questions with the regulations agency in terms of destination)

He grabbed onto ot and held his breath, hating the feeling, and knowing that it would take even longer than usual because it was an international portkey.

When he finally landed on the ground after what seemed like forever, he stumbled over the nearest bush and emptied the contents of his stomach, which was only the banana and tomato sandwich he had eaten for lunch and a chunk of pineapple.

He wiped his mouth off and walked in the direction of light,  hearing the sound of Hermiones voice. He hurtled through the trees and up the front steps of the house her voice came from. He carefully opened the front door, just in time to hear Hermione shout, "OH MY GOD YOU GOD THE JOB!"

Before he could stop himself,  his confusion boiled out of him and into words.

"What job?"

Ohhhhkayyyyy, end of the chapter. I'm going  rip my orbs out.

Hehe orbs

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