Finding out

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The two witches stared at each other for a long while. The tension in the room was palpable as Molly stared at Hermione's swollen belly. Their awkward silence was broken when Fred, George and Jacob burst into the house, startling both women out of their staring contest.

"Mum?!" Fred and George both let out their expressions of surprise in unison.

"Fred, George, what are you two doing here?"

"Well mum, we were... we were... You George and i just... and hermione...ugh..I don't know, I've got nothing."

None of them noticed the vampites scurrying out of the room to escape the confrontational atmosphere.

"I don't care for your excuses at the moment boys, tell me who got Hermione pregnant. And before marriage too!"

"Mum, Hermione is married. " George began to explain.



"Frederick Gideon Weasley, how dare you! You know how everybody wanted Hermione and Ron to get together!"

"Excuse me Molly? You wanted me to jeopardise my happiness so you could play happy family with the matches that you wanted? I refuse to be a doll, living my life for other people, doing what you want!"

"You wretched little girl, this was never about you! What about the plans that I have for my children, the welfare of my family?"

"This was never about me? Then why was i a part of your plans? Why was i going to be the one who married your precious son?"

"Because that boy needs a strong woman to help him! He is useless on his own! He will have a wife who can cater to his needs!"

"Ron won't have a wife Molly, he's gay!" Hermione clapped Her hands over her mouth, upset with herself. She had just accidentally outed her best friend in a fit of rage, and she could never take it back, never let him find the right words or time to do it himself.

"He's gay? How could I not have noticed?"

"I don't know Molly, but I'm going home." Hermione grabbed her husband by the hand, forgetting about ripping Bella Swan in two, their brothers following them out, leaving Molly looking into the distance, wondering what she had done.

Of course it was stupid, trying to force her son and his best friend to get married, but she could have sworn that there had been a spark there when they were younger.

And she had just talked about him like he was no better than a flobber worm. He had called him useless.

Grabbed her portkey out of her pocket and whispered the words that activated it, unshed tears sliding out of her eyes.

When she arrived home, Arthur was waiting.

"Molly! Oh no, what's wrong?"

"Oh Arthur, I've been such an awful mother! I can't believe the way that I've been treating my own children, I don't even know anything about them, they feel like they can't trust me."

"What would make you say that, Mollywobbles?"

"In America, I found Fred and Hermione, they're together, and their happy, bit they've kept it from me! They knew I couldn't handle it and I can't! Even though I know its bad I feel like they aren't right!"

"Molly, you mustn't worry yourself over these things, you know the saying, time heals all wounds, except for fatal ones. This is not a fatal wound, we can heal it." He wrapped his arms around his distraught wife and led her to their room, gently leading her to the bed and sitting her down.

He left her there and walked downstairs, grabbing a cup of water. On his way back, he walked into Ginny.

"Da-ad, what's this i hear about Hermione? Is she going to be staying in America permanently?"

Arthur sighed, "Ginny."

"What dad, im just asking. "

"Ginny." He said again, this time his voice was louder, more of a warning.

"Ugh, dad, you sound like you're awfully close to defending that trollop."

"Ginny, I swear to Merlin that you will not speak about anyone like that under my roof again!"

"But dad, surely you know what she's done?"

"Enlighten me."

Ginny's eyebrows drew together into a frown at her father's choice of words and tone of voice. Suddenly, she felt her confidence faltering.

"She has gone after almost every single one of my brothers, your sons! She went after Bill, even though he's married!"

"Ginevra Molly Weasley, you will not tell lies like that in my house again."

Ginny looked at him perplexedly, and then walked away, mulling over her father's attitude in her head.

She supposed he would know about some of the things that she had done to Hermione, like filling her tea with a milky coloured poison, instead of milk, that she hadn't drunk anyway.

Pffft, and to think that people thought Harry was the reason for her anger towards Hermione. No man was worth jeopardising every relationship she had.

Her problems with Hermione went went much, much deeper.

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